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Is it just me?

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    Is it just me?

    I was posting in another thread and I noticed something and wanted to ask if that was only me. Have you guys been ignored by the opposite sex up until you get into a relationship?
    Like for me I got into my first relationship at 17 and that's when my SO shined down upon me, so I got together with him and then other "potential" guys started showing up or w/e. Heh, what's up with that. I think I heard somewhere that when you get into a relationship you have more confidence in yourself and so the opposite sex notices you more. So yeah, is it just me? ^_^;

    lol yeaaaah why does that happen??? when im not in a relationship nobody even bats an eye in my general direction when i am i get hit on by people O_o lol very strange


      I think this one is the opposite for me. I used to get hit on all the time...and now...almost never! It may be the engagement ring, but I think it's mostly just the vibe I give off, like a back-the-f-up-I'm-engaged kind of vibe


        Originally posted by Puramu View Post
        I think I heard somewhere that when you get into a relationship you have more confidence in yourself and so the opposite sex notices you more.
        I agree with this! For most people when you are in a relationship you dont notice the opposite sex (or same sex), you're happy and contented and dont really care what other people think. I think your inner self shines through (the side you normally hide) and people can see that and are drawn to you more just a theory lol


          Nope, it's not only you
          Guys have never been really interested in me, but since I'm taken it seems like I'm super interesting to everybody. It's so weird.


            Yeah I noticed this, now when I'm with my SO he goes "that guy was checking you out" and I'll be like "Whaaaaa...?" he thinks I'm lying when I say I don't notice, but 1) I don't and 2) I've gone through life being invisible as possible so I don't expect any male attention anyway.

            I do feel more confident, definitely sexier too, as I have my SO telling me so every day I think it does have an effect on how other people see you.

            <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
            <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
            The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
            <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
            <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
            Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
            Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


              Originally posted by Talent_2 View Post
              I agree with this! For most people when you are in a relationship you dont notice the opposite sex (or same sex), you're happy and contented and dont really care what other people think. I think your inner self shines through (the side you normally hide) and people can see that and are drawn to you more just a theory lol
              awww i like that, i am very happy and i dont care what people think of our relationship im very proud to hold hands with her and show affection to hear in public


                Not really, but I did get ignored for pretty much all of high school. I was seeing someone on and off during senior year (basically we'd go out when he was home from college for breaks, but it was nothing serious--he's still a serial dater 5 years later), but aside from that....yeah nothing.

                Confidence is definitely part of it though. I got to college where there was no one from my high school (where I was bullied and given crap for a variety of things), and I was able to just be me and be a little more confident about being me. I went out with a few guys before meeting my first boyfriend in college, so yeah, I'd say it's a confidence thing.

                For some people that confidence comes from someone wanting to date them. For others, I guess it comes from being in a different situation that lets you really be yourself.

                If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                  I've never really been hit on before, except by a few old men lol. So I haven't noticed any difference. It used to bother me that guys ignored me. But now that I found the perfect guy for me, I just don't care.


                    Haha when I was with my ex guys would always hit on me and now guys will hit on me and my ex will say that guy just checked you out and wait for a reaction from me to which I just reply he can check me out all he wants, but that's all he'll ever do.

                    Actually since my guy and I broke up i've had a couple of people ask me out including both of his brothers which is kind of creepy in a way.

                    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                      I know!
                      But yeah, I guess you do have an inner glow when you're in love..
                      And when you're having a night out, sometimes single girls can come off as kinda desperate... which I guess isn't that appealing... by being more relaxed and not scanning the crowd for hot guys every two seconds we might seem more well-balanced and over-all happy..

                      And my BF has mentioned this tendency as well! that, suddenly, now that he's actually in a relationship he gets all this attention from women when he's out..

                      Some time ago I read this article from Cosmopolitan:
                      and well... it kinda made sense :P


                        It's not only you! This happens to me. It's so weird!


                          I actually get the same general attention I did before which is either none or the joking "hey baby can I get your number?" prank morons pull while their friends snicker. I have had a few seriously hit on me, but they were creeps. I don't put out a very positive or loving vibe (people say I look angry unless I smile real wide, I have no idea why) so I'm not exactly attractive on that level.


                            Phew, good to know it's not just me ^_^;


                              Confidence is definitely a big part of it, but I'm pretty certain there's some scientific proof to it too. I dont remember WHERE I read this so dont quote me but I'm fairly certain its true

                              When your in a relationship you do give off pheromones that instantly attract the opposite sex to you. In addition the more sex you have, the more pheromones you give off, again increasing your sexual attractiveness.

                              Personally...I never notice if anyone checks me out. I'm convinced no-one does. (I'm a bit of a ladette, totally insane sense of humour and generally dont care what anyone thinks. I also speak my mind, very often putting a lot of guys in their place. I think I scare more guys than I attract!)

                              Ironically I'll spot if someones checking my friend out from the opposite end of a packed bar! And I can always tell when someone likes someone too - sometimes before they even realise it! hehe
                              Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                              Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                              And remember....Love really IS all around.

