I will preface this by saying that my guy did involve me today with planning for his composition recital and got my opinion on his poster (I helped with the design last time and he got lots of compliments). I also was away later today at Harry Potter (yay!) and then had this huge fight with my Dad this evening (boo!), so I missed out talking to my SO tonight (and it is possible he could be a little annoyed).
I just did a quick sign in to Facebook and was checking out birthdays and events and noticed that his composition recital was finally posted. (Well, he had made the page long ago and only had G added while it was under construction, since she is one of the performers...which I am only finding out now, by the way. Pluey, I'm trying not to take that too much to heart, though. ...but I am kind of curious about the clarinet player he keeps singing praises for playing several songs and a solo about being nude. Pah! Okay, I will fend off the green-eyed monster because what follows is what is more distressing to me). I went there and looked and it seems that he has remembered to invite everyone on his friends list, but for me! He even invited some of my friends he met, so it seems like maybe he just did a mass invite without thinking too much about it (which is understandable)...but then why am I the only one missing?
I thought it was so silly that I was looked over and that I must have missed something, so I was a bit pathetic and did a double check of my email, the invitations page, and his event page to see if I had been invited and just not noticed...but nothing! Okay, it's likely I can't make it (December 7--so, I don't have the funds, could miss out on work, and it would be rather short notice to be planning to attend), but he and I have had numerous conversations and are in agreement about sending nods to international friends and family with invites to events...so, he knew that it would make me feel special (even if I feel badly about not being able to go). Also, now that I realize it, I am hurt because I had talked to him about maybe seeing if there was some way that I could watch the recital with Skype or something which he thought was a genius idea...so, in a way, I would need an invitation, right?
There could be a simple explanation to this (like he wants to send me a poster as a hand invitation...which would be kind of weird, but not out of the question) or a fantastical explanation like he has arranged for me to fly there for it (that would be cool, but a pretty hefty gift to match in any way...and also kind of frustrating that he didn't consult me).
Anyone have any insights or soothing thoughts...(or the final Harry Potter movie! Man, was that a tease!)?
(As an aside, I really hope that lots of people do come and I worry a bit that he might not get the attendance he wants and deserves. Yes, there are finals that time of year, but many people do their recitals in the spring...so...it isn't like they are asked to be going to thousands of different recitals on the same day. I guess it's out of my control, but this is the capstone event of his degree and I really wish for a good-sized, receptive audience!)
I just did a quick sign in to Facebook and was checking out birthdays and events and noticed that his composition recital was finally posted. (Well, he had made the page long ago and only had G added while it was under construction, since she is one of the performers...which I am only finding out now, by the way. Pluey, I'm trying not to take that too much to heart, though. ...but I am kind of curious about the clarinet player he keeps singing praises for playing several songs and a solo about being nude. Pah! Okay, I will fend off the green-eyed monster because what follows is what is more distressing to me). I went there and looked and it seems that he has remembered to invite everyone on his friends list, but for me! He even invited some of my friends he met, so it seems like maybe he just did a mass invite without thinking too much about it (which is understandable)...but then why am I the only one missing?
There could be a simple explanation to this (like he wants to send me a poster as a hand invitation...which would be kind of weird, but not out of the question) or a fantastical explanation like he has arranged for me to fly there for it (that would be cool, but a pretty hefty gift to match in any way...and also kind of frustrating that he didn't consult me).
Anyone have any insights or soothing thoughts...(or the final Harry Potter movie! Man, was that a tease!)?
(As an aside, I really hope that lots of people do come and I worry a bit that he might not get the attendance he wants and deserves. Yes, there are finals that time of year, but many people do their recitals in the spring...so...it isn't like they are asked to be going to thousands of different recitals on the same day. I guess it's out of my control, but this is the capstone event of his degree and I really wish for a good-sized, receptive audience!)