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Have any of you ever thought of getting a tattoo as a couple ?

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    Have any of you ever thought of getting a tattoo as a couple ?

    Today we are six months in a relationship . This is really the best I have in my life . Just about midnight last night he mention something about us both having the same tattoo . Which has a meaning to it . I thought it would be great . Something small and he really surprise me with this thought . I just thought I hear anyone ideas here . I mean has your so ever said something like that . Iam planning to do it . We see a future together . I thought its sweet of him . Hes showing that he is commited to me .

    we have thought about it, might get something on our wrists with our wedding date


      I'm not really big on couple tattoos because it's a permanent thing and relationships can always change no matter how good and I'd rather not be stuck with something that reminds me of them. Plus I'm one of those weird people that wants stuff no one else has/would want. It's a cute idea for those into it, though.


        :P Yeah, I agree with LMH. I wanted to get a tattoo with my ex and well, look how well that would've went. Maybe if me and Brandon ever get married... Maybe. I think it's a really cute idea anyways


          I wouldn't either, especially after being with my ex for 14 years and then it ending. People change, I don't want to be branded.


            ... I remember us actually discussing this very subject a few months ago... and while it might be a sweet gesture for some, I really couldn't see myself doing it.

            If I was to get a tattoo (which I've considered) it would be for ME - not my BF. I see tattoos as something very personal and individual - and while I love him to bits, I wouldn't want us to go through life with matching ink! O.o
            Plus, it seems like quite a risk... love is ever-changing... and if something were to happen with us, I wouldn't want a (very) permanent reminder of him on my body..

            Recently, the little sister of one of my friends got dumped by her boyfriend of 3 years....... and he still has her name tattooed on his chest..... bummer.


              It's a sweet gesture, but hell no. I'll get his name tattooed somewhere on me perhaps if we last 40 years and he kicks the bucket before I do or something, or maybe we could do it as something crazy to celebrate our kids moving out of home or somesuch... but no.. I can't ever see me getting a couple tattoo. If I did, I'd want to have been happily married a very very long time first.
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                I'm not personally interested in a couple's tattoo, because I believe the body is sacred and should only have ink done that has high personal meaning... however, considering how important and what an impact he's had on my life, there's a chance I might get a tattoo that has a small bit of 'him' in it, so to speak. Down the road.

                But I think they're sweet.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  No. My 73 year old grandpa has a tattoo of another woman's name other than my grandma on his arm. She, of course, doesn't care after all these years, but I would hate to be the grandma who could possibly have a tattoo of a love gone wrong on my body and have to explain it to the grandkids! That's just me, though.


                    Neither my SO or I are into tattoos, so we wouldn't ever actually consider it.

                    "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                    - A. A. Milne


                      Hmm... you are just talking about something where you have identical tattoos correct? Not like half of one, or your SO's name on it or something right? I think if you can find a design that you both like and maybe tweak it to fit you just a tad and visa versa that it could be a pretty neat idea...

                      But then you just have to keep in mind that if it ends painfully (not saying that it will!) you're sort of stuck with an every day reminder. Unless of course your tattoos are where mine are and then I forget they're even there. Sometime I'll catch a glimpse of one in the mirror before hopping in the shower and be like what is... OH yeah...

                      hehe... Just my 2 cents!


                        I don't have any tattooes yet, but I would like to get some at some point in my life. And I know for sure that the only names I might ever get on me are my future kids' or my dead cats' names. But definitely no boyfriend/husband names. Or band names. Or tattooes that have anything to do with lovers or bands. I don't want to have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to get a tattoo of a name removed or covered up, or worse, have my ex-husbands name tattooed on my ass. No way.

                        Speaking of tattooes that have sth to do with bands: I was at a concert last night and saw a guy who had EXACTLY the same tattooes as the lead singer. They look really cool, but what if he doesn't like the music anymore in a few years? That would really suck...


                          I have a tattoo anyways, I would never get a couples tattoo but, my ex and I have talked about getting tattoo's together (even now because we are good friends) they'll be something similar but they'll each have a different meaning to us.

                          Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                            My SO has his exes initials on his arm. I'm not even a grandma Micah and its not exactly the greatest thing. I have mentioned that to him though and he's probably going to make it into the word "Inspire" as he's a writer and musician its quite fitting

                            I hate needles and probably wouldnt ever get a tatoo. However if I was to get one, I would want it to symbolise my SO. Then (god forbid) if anything did change in the future at least it wouldnt be an 'obvious' reminder.

                            His nickname is Snowflake. I've doodled a very little snowflake on the inside, upper left corner of my left wrist and fell in love with it - thats what I would get if I ever did.

                            I dont know if my SO would ever get anything symbolising me or my initials or anything after the ex. I would be so touched if he did but I dont mind if he never does...I dont need him to have ink to know how much I mean to him.
                            Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                            Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                            And remember....Love really IS all around.


                              i have 5 tattoos.. but like a lot of other people have said i wouldn't actually get his name tattooed on me, but i woulnd't mind getting matching ones like a symbol that means a lot to both of us or something

                              i have a matching tattoo with my best friend, but all it is is a heart so it isn't her name or something too crazy but we both know when we look at it what it means.. and i have a matching one with my mom

                              the last time eric was here i actually got "love never fails" tattooed on me so that is always going to mean a lot to him and i because he was with me when i got it, and it represents how i feel about love

