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Picking up Personality Traits (Becoming more like your GF/BF)

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    Picking up Personality Traits (Becoming more like your GF/BF)

    Since you've been with your SO (significant others) for a long time have you been picking up his/her personality traits lately?! Like for instance you've become more stubborn since being with your man or a nicer person since being with you girl Since being with my honey I've become more logical and developed a quick witty tongue if people try to mess with me! LOL (It's getting pretty creepy actually lol) Like I've been more right about things and my honey is always right accept he's usually not humble about it like I am but he made me become more tougher and spit out good insults if someone tries to pick a fight

    Hehe, I definitely try to listen and be understanding more since I've been with him.

    I've also noticed I've picked up little quirks. Like having much more of an American "slant" on words - but only when on the phone to him! And using American instead of English words (laundry, street, shopping cart etcetc)
    Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

    Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

    And remember....Love really IS all around.


      My SO lives in New Zealand, so she says "aye?" a lot. I sometimes also use it now without thinking. It just slips out. It's kinda amusing.

      Ever since I've been with my SO I also realized that I'm quite jealous. I've never noticed that before. My SO is not jealous though.


        XD I'm starting to talk like Brandon, I notice it when I'm talking to my other friends over the phone... They think it's absolutely hilarious. I'm also slowly gaining a better perspective on life, seeing as how Brandon has an amazing outlook on life and he's happy just being alive. It's a great thing to pick up


          Originally posted by London-FortCollins View Post
          And using American instead of English words (laundry, street, shopping cart etcetc)
 guys don't say laundry? Or street? What do you say?

          Hmm. I have picked up some of my SO's speech patterns too. So my English sounds a bit more southern now. I also add "inch'allah" whenever I talk about future things, it's like an automatic reflex now!
          Non-speech wise: I have become a lot more relaxed in general.

          But I hope I never pick up his trait of being late!! Actually, he was on-time for our skype date tonight...maybe he's picking up my time management skills


            lol yeaaaah scottish accent will pop up on occasion, ive started using words like "OI!" "bloody knackered" "bloody hell" lol among other words, kinda have started doing her facial expressions as well heh, she occasionly will pop into a american accent and start using the words i use as well. I also wanna start losing weight and maybe dressing up a bit like she does, shes made me want to become a better person


              I have changed my Yorkshire accent a little so his family can understand me haaa haaa. But on another note I am a much more patient person. And he has changed to be a much more organised person.... Ahh thinking about him now I love him so bad =)


                Haha, he's picked up some of the stuff I say, I pick up some of his.
                I say canadian terms, and so do my friends since I met him.
                Example: toque (hat)

                Im a really dramatic person, and since then..he's now a reeeeeeeeally dramatic person. He goes on rants and has gotten progressively more violent, like me. I noticed just today that he used normal phrases and I normally do, so its kinda funny I would see this thread today The day I noticed. Pretty cute.

                I hope when I visit him I pick up a Canadian accent. They're adorable.


                  Originally posted by Stephanieeee View Post
                  I hope when I visit him I pick up a Canadian accent. They're adorable.
                  I don't understand it. I'm Canadian as well and my boyfriend claims that I have an accent and he loves it and thinks its cute..but i don't get it? Something about pronouncing vowels more or something? haha.

                  I don't think I talk more like Alex, however I have caught myself countless times doing a few of his facial expressions..don't ask.
                  I am more appreciative of what I have, I cry a lot more because before I knew him I kept everything bottled up and he's emotional but I think it just has to do with the fact that I can completely be myself around him, and I never was completely myself before...I am more open about who I am with him. Which is completely nuts. He's matured a lot since he started talking to me, I'm not too sure what else off the top of my head, you'd have to ask him. I think he's picked up on a few 'Canadian' things. I think he says 'eh' now even though I never say it x)


                    For some reason I started using the word "dude" a lot like last year... I think because I thought it was funny?? But then it stuck.. For example, "Dude! What the heck are you doing?" And gradually I noticed Frank saying it more and more and we say it all the time now.

                    I think when we first were friends, we didn't have a lot in common, and now we have so much in common. It's funny how we both subconsciously changed, and now we're even a better pair because of it, and better people too!
                    Read my LDR story!


                      I've definitely pick up some of his terms and he's picked up some of mine. I say "indeed" a lot and I've noticed that he says it now too. But, mostly what I've learned from him, is how strong I can be on my not let the things I can't change bother me as much. He's really impacted me that way.


                        I say things like he says all the time. I LOVE the way he says the word "because" and so i have started to say it and then there is another saying that he says "I believe, that you believe what you are saying is true" I say that all the time now to my kids when I have no idea what they are saying..LOL And there are other little things that i have picked up on, and things he has picked up from me.


                          I speak with a more American accent now- but I don't think that was just from my SO- it was more of a necessity to be understood by anyone I met when I was in the States.

                          And I say stuff like Laundry instead of Washing, groceries instead of food, use pissed (sorry for the bad language) to mean angry instead of drunk.

                          Everytime someone says the word "general" we both automatically salute We watch way too much how I met your mother....

                          I'm a lot more vocal these days, and I let a lot more of my silliness out.

                          <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                          <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                          The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                          <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                          <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                          Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                          Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                            I think I just matured more. My SO is more serious than I am, but I'm still pretty silly. I also randomly say "eh" a lot, even though he NEVER says it. Just the fact I want to be a future canadian ^_^; I'm also getting used to the different spelling, like "colours" verses "colors".


                              This post is adorable. I am starting to talk like my bf who lives in CT and he starts to talk like me too...He finishes my sentences or knows how I am going to respond so certain things he does or says. We also are in sync emotionally which is kinda scary but when I'm sad he is sad or when I really miss him he is really missing me too...Idk its funny how we think alike or were talking about the same thing to other people at the same time :-)

