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In a tough spot.

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    In a tough spot.

    As you may have guessed, I'm new here, but anyways I got some news today that has really made me feel quite helpless and unsure of how to go about this. My SO texted me today from the hospital. She hasn't been feeling good the past few days and checked in today to see what is going on.. Well apparently her intestines have ruptured and there is a tumor growing around it. The doctors told her she only has two options.. radiation, and a citrus treatment that has a 60% failure rate.

    I have limited funds at the moment due to going to classes.. and My spring break is coming up on the first week of March. With what I have left in my bank account, I have enough to get a passport and a round trip flight to her up in CA... I have been debating weather to spend me funds and try to get a ticket up there pronto, although I know I'll probably not get a passport in time, in this instance, I do graduate school on the 22nd of March, and was thinking of going right after that.

    I just feel so hopeless at this point, and I feel that I need to go see her ASAP. I was just curious on what kind of advice you all may have on this matter, I appreciate any input, thanks.

    Get the passport first. Once you get the passport (which shouldn't take WAY too long, mine only took about 2 weeks when I applied in Oct) buy the ticket. I'm guessing by 'CA' you mean Canada. Air Canada usually has good last minute deals. Also this site has awesome deals and if you find a good deal go to the airline's website because they are usually just a tad bit cheaper than the prices from the site. I know this is really hard for you, but you need some patience, a little faith, and to apply for that passport this week.

    Get your passport photo taken at Wallgreens or CVS Pharmacy, though, because if you get it there it's $10 or under (I think mine only cost about 6 at Wallgreens) and at the passport office it costs $16.


      I agree with Marian. Get a passport ASAP and then buy a ticket.


        I'm going to reiterate what's already been said. I'm sure she wants to be with you while she's in this difficult spot.

        Keep your head up. Don't feel hopeless because YOU CAN DO SOMETHING!!! It will all work out okay in the end.


          That's super sad, I hope you can get to see her soon!


            I think everyone has pretty much covered the advice. Wishing you luck, strength and the best


              Man that's so sad, like Kitty said, the advice had been done. I hope you both get to be together as soon as possible.
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥


                Marian knows what she's talking about. I'm just here to smile and wave and say "good luck!!!"


                  Good luck and *hugs*!


                    Good luck! I hope everything works out for the best.


                      Thanks everyone... It's just getting tougher by the day.. and she doesn't think this is a good time for an LDR right now... so I'm trying to convince her that we can work through this, but I appreciate all the tips.


                        Maybe now is the time you need it most. I know that if I was ill, I'd want my boyfriend as my pillar. I would be flattered if he offered to drop everything and come and see me. I know it's difficult, but it seems as though you have to walk the fine line between being clingy (what she seems to be afraid of, thus creating more work and stress for her) and being there for her to ease all of her woes. In all honesty, I have never been in a situation like that.

                        Both of you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I sincerely hope that you can work this out. I'm pulling for you guys! =D


                          Good luck, friend! We're all behind you!
                          National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                          National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                          Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                            I don't know anything about getting a passport outland but in here (Finland) you can aplly for a quick passport that'll arrive in 4 days, though it's valid for only a year instead of the regular one that's valid for 10 years but takes 2 weeks to get... Maybe there's an option like that where you live at? Ask around!

                            Now is the time to be together, no matter what she says she needs you. I hope she'll be allright, stay strong and remember we all support you too! ♥


                              Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                              I don't know anything about getting a passport outland but in here (Finland) you can aplly for a quick passport that'll arrive in 4 days, though it's valid for only a year instead of the regular one that's valid for 10 years but takes 2 weeks to get... Maybe there's an option like that where you live at? Ask around!
                              You can get your passport expedited, so it'll arrive in like 2-3 weeks, but it costs a bit more money... I think around $170ish? I could be wrong though. Anyways, that's the quickest they have I think... I got my passport back in October and it only took about 4 weeks from the week I applied... wasn't too bad. I guess I wasn't in as much of a rush as you are though. Let us know how things progress!

