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    Anyway, How do you and your beloved fight?

    The one fight we had, it was basically just heated talking. He got very authoritative (he thought I did something so he was wanting evidence I didn't) and I got minorly defensive. Lasted minutes.

    Is there yelling and such, or do you just talk it out?

    When he's mad, he shuts up and won't talk to you. Me, I yell, but we've never really had one that brought out either. We've had misunderstandings where one gets upset and asks 20 questions but thassit.

    Whats the most serious argument you have ever gotten into?

    I had left a rather dark status message on AIM one night, he IMed me the next day thinking I had cut myself (I used to have an addiction to it) and was mad/upset/scared and demanded I prove I hadn't hurt myself so I took pictures of my wrists and showed him. He then went on about how if I had done anything he wouldn't have talked to me for a week. The second was probably when he made no contact with me for 3 weeks and my 'friend' convinced me he was dead/cheating so I gave him an earful. Turns out it was my bad for certain reasons, luckily he wasn't angry.

    Do you ever have to stop yourself from yelling about certain things?

    To other people, yeah. I've never yelled at my SO or him, me. I don't even whine to him about if he doesn't talk that often or other things, but I guess that's because I have this forum to do that on, haha.


      Honestly, I don't see how it'd be 'interesting' in the slightest to get into a big, yelling fight with one's SO, but hey, maybe I'm just weird and like keeping things smooth between myself and my boy.

      Anyway, How do you and your beloved fight?
      We don't yell, which would be difficult to do seeing as our primary source of conversation is IM'ing anyway. On a few occasions he has mistaken my typing for yellng but I can't recall either of us ever using an exclamation point or all caps. Mostly when we argue both of us get very quiet, but him moreso than me since I usually want to argue about whatever the issue is (well, not argue, I want to figure it out but it usually turns into an arguement until we're both calmer) and he likes to have some time to himself.

      Is there yelling and such, or do you just talk it out?
      Nope, as mentioned before we don't ever yell. I don't think I would ever be comfortable really yelling at him out of pure anger since even when I'm upset and want to scream, it's moreso I want to scream out of frustration, not at him. Directing it toward him would just feel too hateful.

      Whats the most serious argument you have ever gotten into?
      Serious arguements pertain to personal issues.

      Do you ever have to stop yourself from yelling about certain things?
      Final say, we don't yell. However, I hate hate HATE when we argue, so I am attempting to stop myself and rethink any situation that may get me riled up. I'm realizing I usually pick fights with him over stupid things just because I'm feeling particularly lonely and don't knw how to express it. I know that sounds cheesy but it has at least made me realize that our arguements are, a majority of the time, over silly issues and knowing this really comforts me.


        Originally posted by Rosebud View Post
        Honestly, I don't see how it'd be 'interesting' in the slightest to get into a big, yelling fight with one's SO, but hey, maybe I'm just weird and like keeping things smooth between myself and my boy.
        I think I mean more, it'd be interesting to see his reaction to anger (particularly at me... only because I know that when I'm mad at my parents, I react differently than I do if I'm mad at a friend for the same offense...)

        But the point is, I've never seen him that way towards me, but I've seen him happy, sad, bored, excited, annoyed, etc,
        but never really mad AT me. It's all about getting to know the person you're with, whether it's good or bad.
        [CENTER]"True love doesn't mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes."


          Anyway, How do you and your beloved fight?
          It just depends on the situation. During more serious fights we both talk it out and sometimes we both even cry, but no matter what we always work it out. A lot of the time my SO is really quiet when he is upset, so sometimes talking it out is hard, but we always manage. Sometimes I start stupid arguments because I am overly sensitive and do not let the little things go, and those fights do not go to well. It takes a lot for me to admit I am wrong and I will beat an issue into the ground. If it really annoys my SO then he will usually say he has to go and then text me, which annoys me because I think that is the worse way to resolve an issue! Really it just depends.

          Is there yelling and such, or do you just talk it out?
          I have only yelled at my SO twice I think? I can't remember what the second time was about, but I will only get to that point if I am REALLY mad.

          Whats the most serious argument you have ever gotten into?
          We have had some pretty serious fights that could have ended our relationship, but we always talk them out.

          Do you ever have to stop yourself from yelling about certain things?
          No. It is my usual reaction in a fight. Instead, I just talk really loud and use a certain tone I do not know how to describe :/

          On a side note, I do not think occasional fighting is bad. I know that we sometimes feel closer after we fight and make up for some reason. I think it would be a lot easier/more fun in person afterward though :P


            I don't know if I've actually yelled at anyone since I was a teenager

            But yeah...our fights are pretty low-key. He just gets really quiet and I start crying and talking about why I'm hurt or whatever.

            The one thing that makes us continually "fight" is that when something bad happens in his life, he just gets really quiet and tells me that everything is okay even though I know something is wrong. >> Then I get mad that he's not sharing. >> Then he tells me he doesn't share because he doesn't want to hurt me and he knows that I'm sensitive. >> Then I make him tell me anyway. >> Then I cry because I hurt for him (thus proving him right).
            Rinse. Repeat.

            We have only had one HUGE argument where I almost yelled and where we both cried. But that one's private, kids


              Originally posted by Rosebud View Post
              Do you ever have to stop yourself from yelling about certain things?
              Final say, we don't yell. However, I hate hate HATE when we argue, so I am attempting to stop myself and rethink any situation that may get me riled up. I'm realizing I usually pick fights with him over stupid things just because I'm feeling particularly lonely and don't knw how to express it. I know that sounds cheesy but it has at least made me realize that our arguements are, a majority of the time, over silly issues and knowing this really comforts me.
              Oh my GOD its nice to hear that somebody else does this. Its been annoying me sooooooooooooooo much lately. Ill be short worded or get mad over something stupid and be all sad and dramatic. I didn't know why I started doing it either, cause I never used to be like that. But now that I think about it, it probably is because I just miss miss him :/ I try to manage it too and just not talk about it when im upset about something stupid, only because I know its stupid, and he would know its stupid. Then I would look stupid for getting mad about nothing.
              Its hard to control though, when you're emotional and missing him. *sigh* I wish there were a way to get rid of this completly.

