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I Love YOU!

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    We both tell each other I love you all the time, lots of times we will say it at the exact same time. I love hearing it a lot and so does he

    Madly in love with Michael


      We tell each other ALL the time. Everytime I text him, or when we talk on the phone. When he makes me laugh really hard, I always say I love you. We use it quite often. We actually had this talk about over using it. but we came to the conclusion that why not use it? My ex husband didn't want to "over use" it so when he told me it was suppose to be more "special" but it never was. It was like ya my relationship now, we use it all the time and it really means more to me.

      He tells me i love you about the same amount of time. There are moments where I love you is different. Idk how to explain that, but you can make it mean a lot by changing the tone of your voice or when discussing something really serious. My favorite texts are when he just texts i love you.


        I tell him a couple times a day, same goes for him. If I say it first he says it back, if he says it first I say it back. We always say it before going to bed also ♥
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          Everyday, probably a billion times a day, lol. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but we do say it a lot. It's something that I kind of need to hear a lot. I guess that stems form the fact I never heard anyone say it to me before Joe came along. At least, I don't remember anyone saying it to me.

          Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
          We even have "I love you" battles where it goes like "I love you." "I love you more." "I love you most." "I love you most-er." and so on until we can't make up words anymore.
          We do this too! It starts the same way but then one of us will say, "I love you more time 25 million!" (or some other random number) and the other person (usually me, lol) will say, "I love you times infinity!" and then Joe gets all pretend pouty and says he can never win at that game, lol.


            Oh god... My first "I love you" story with my SO isn't the most romantic one..
            He was the first to say "I love you" but it was in the middle of our HUGE (and only) fight, about two-three months in our relationship, where I found out some things about him and this other girl and it was NOT COOL (I'd rather not re-hatch it here in the "I love you" thread, haha), and I was pretty much ready to just break up with him, and he just cried the entire time I just laid it out on him (I don't remember the last time I was so furious and hurt). Then he just said it, "Lex, I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH" and I was pissed at first... but then I gave him a second chance, and we started saying "I love you" pretty much everyday since then.

            I can't say it enough, and he can't either. It's become habit in a way, but it's a good habit! I'm a big fan of saying "I love you" on the phone before I hang up, just because, you NEVER know what could happen, and it's best to end a conversation telling someone how much they mean to you.
            [CENTER]"True love doesn't mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes."


              i say it several times everyday, and so does he, i know my CD friends think saying it too much makes it lose its meaning but i love telling him daily, repeatedly i love him so that he knows that no matter how bad things gets im there for him and he feels exactly the same, We say it whenever it feels right


                We say it pretty often - all phone calls end with an "I love you", and we text it too...I've worried about it losing its meaning but not sure it really ever will


                  i tell her everyday and so does she every 10 minutes when im talking to her on the phone or on IM, i will tell her i love her. lol i cant help it, i love her alot and i just wanna tell her alot, heh


                    We say it all the time. I tell her everytime we talk.


                      My SO and I usually say "I love you" during our last phone call of the day... sometimes more frequently but usually then... this is far more than we've ever said it... I can't remember exactly when it changed though. We rarely used to say it at all.


                        We're fairly random with I love you's. They don't happen in every phone conversation or email, but are far more frequent on Skype/video, because it's so hard to look into his eyes and not let my love bubble over into words, lol... but there's no expectations around it, we just tell each other whenever the mood strikes us. Which can be pretty often at times
                        We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


                          We say it every time we talk on the phone just before saying goodbye/good night, so we are basically even for saying it on the phone. We also say it through some of our text messages and every time we say goodbye in person. Overall, we probably say it close to even, but I might say it a little more because I send random "I love you" messages more often than he does. I try not to overuse the phrase because I know it carries more meaning when it isn't said all the time, but there are times when I can't help but say it a lot to him


                            It's so cute how lovey dovey everyone is. :3


                              Im usually the one saying I love you too because he says it alot .... and I really mean alot. If we're talking for like 3 hours he will have said it like maybe 6 to 10 times. XD

