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    Quick update:

    Andy's been here for almost a week and by now we should've found out if he gets to stay or not.. BUT the person who decides these things just got back from a holiday today so the police is going to call us next week once they've made the decision. So another week of waiting ahead of us, I hate it!

    My dogs nearly burned down my house the other night: we were away from home for about 4 hours and they managed to turn the stowe on. There was a cheese grader on top of it and when we got home my house was full of smoke and the stowe was red of the heat... Pretty scary that let me tell you!
    I cried maybe 10 times that night just thinking how bad it could've been and that my dogs could be dead now. But thank God nothing worse happened. I'm not leaving them alone again though!

    Anyway, that was a bit random lol but thought it's worth sharing. I'm off to shower now and to get everything ready for my daughter's b-day tomorrow and sunday... Lots of 10-year-old kids running around here tomorrow, yay

    I'm sorry I haven't replied to threads, I've been too busy but I promise I'll be more active again once things settle for us!
    I miss you all and hope everyone's ok <3


    ps Andy says hi to everyone


      YOU take care of YOU. We are all here for you rooting for you both!!!!

      So glad things are ok with your house and the dogs...scary!!!!!

      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        Man, your dogs, Tanja. I'm really glad all of you and your belongings are safe, and here's to Andy getting a welcome to his new country!

        P.S. Hi Andy! *wavewavewave*

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

