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Not completely a "shoe-in" but im in the box =)

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    Not completely a "shoe-in" but im in the box =)

    Im here to share and celebrate the fact that my SO's mom knows about me lol. I know it might be a little strange but I'm more than happy. My SO and her didn't get along for a little while and he would always make it seem like she wouldn't get along with me either. She has this idea that he should be with a black girl. That's not me and not something I could or would want to change. It made me feel bad every time I thought about the fact that we wouldn't be able to mesh families and what about when we moved in together? got married? had kids? Ive heard of couples whos SO is referred to as "the roommate" for years... And although i know he wouldn't let it get to that, I didn't feel very special.
    It was always a scary thought since family is THE most important thing in my life. We are all very close and inseparable so to speak.
    So finally I had a dream. In this dream, I insisted my SO tell his mom about me since we plan to move in together. He agreed to tell her but when he did, she flipped out and told him off (in the dream). So he felt so bad about it, that he decided to lie and tell me that he couldn't get himself to tell her. To which I responded by breaking things off (again, in my dream).
    When I told my SO about my dream, he laughed and said she knew about us already. I froze and got really nervous. They had been getting along perfectly and everything had been great for a while but I still didn't know what had happened. After agonizing for minutes, waiting on his response text, he told me all she said was cool. She encouraged him to work hard if moving is what he wanted to do. She knows its almost a year and who I am, what I do in NY and that I'm Chicana. I was sooooooooo relieved and happy to know that things were ok and the world hadn't shook lol.
    I know she had other stuff going on in her life and that we haven't even met, so I'm not completely celebrating yet. But this is a great start and it makes me feel like a greater part of his life.

    I am glad she didn't flip. I really want mark to tell his mom but for reasons he hasn't yet. I bet it's a wonderful feeling


      It really is. But I know where you are coming from. I knew my SO for years and we have been dating for a little less than a year. I wanted him to tell her for a while but I would never had asked him explicitly to do it. I know he had his reasons not to.
      I really hope that things work out for you and that he is able to tell her at some point, maybe even soon. *hugs*


        That is wonderful!! I kind of went through the same thing waiting on Rane to tell his parents. I'm not exactly what they were expecting in a girlfriend... since I am 11 years older and divorced! Oh and not Canadian like they are lol. But they took it great too.
        I'm really happy for you guys that this first step is out of the way!


          I'm glad to hear that! I was really nervous when my SO was going to tell his mom. At the time we were together, I was still legally married, and with our distance, we were both worried his mom would be really negative about the transatlantic relationship. She had some reservations, but after talking to me she really came to like me. Now I'm the daughter she never had. XD

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            Aw, that's great news! I'm so happy for you!


              I think it is really important when the parents find out about your SO. Not only does it legitimize your relationship*, but it gives you the ability to find support if you need it.
              *A lot of people have to sneak around and try and hide their relationship because they are afraid of their parents finding out. Once they know, there is no more sneaking and you can be yourself again. This probably can only help your relationship.

              So Congrats Belle, I am glad it didn't turn out like your dream!


                Thanks guys and gals! You all know how scary this can be. Im definitely happy it didnt turn out like my dream either, Frank. It was an intense few months just worrying about her reaction but im glad that its all over now. Im so happy to be with Ja'Ron and I hope to one day meet his family, so this is a great thing =D

