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    This is my biggest fear when it comes to moving for my man, social adjustments. If you have moved for your significant other, I'd like to know what it was like and how things changed for you. The good changes and the bad changes. Anything helps.

    What was it like to leave your friends and family?
    How badly did it hurt to miss them?
    Did you at any point regret your decision?
    How long did it take you to feel better?
    What did you do to cope with missing your people back home?
    etc. etc. etc. etc.

    Thanks a bunch.

    I wish I could help you, but im not the one moving for our relationship. I worry about those things for him though. I wonder just how hard it is going to be for him, wether he puts on a happy face or not.


      What was it like to leave your friends and family?
      Took my mom and brother, friends won't talk to me.

      How badly did it hurt to miss them?
      Having my immediate family helps a lot. I don't know what I'd do without them. I really don't know what to say about my friends. I already had a really strained relationship with most of my friends before I left. I ended up leaving without telling anyone. I can understand how they see that I chose Enrique over them, except that I've been talking about moving since I was 15. They knew I didn't want to stay in Vegas forever, but I guess they're just kind of bitter I would up and leave like that. 15% unemployment and I don't qualify for disability there, I needed to get out.

      Did you at any point regret your decision?
      Repeatedly, but I regret everything on my period XP. When I'm sane, I'm happy with my decision. I saw a doctor for the first time since...I can't remember @_@. Anyway, I managed to actually see a damn doctor here! It's also nice to have Enrique around :'D. I missed him ;_;!

      How long did it take you to feel better?
      I'm getting there XP. I've been here a month, I'm not gonna feel better for at least another two or three! D:<

      What did you do to cope with missing your people back home?
      I just need to remember they hate me :P. I have you guys, my family, and Enrique thankfully :'D.


        My saving grace when I moved to Charlotte...


          I think you already know my side, but I'll post it in case it helps someone else.

          What was it like to leave your friends and family? Leaving was ok. I'd known it was coming for a long time. It was, and still is, hard to get them to accept it though. I have a lot of guilt.

          How badly did it hurt to miss them? Very, especially my sister. I used to travel 4 hours each way once a week to see her. She's my best friend, and she's not at all computer savvy. It was frustrating for me because I felt she didn't try hard enough to stay in contact, and she'd never set aside time to skype or anything. But then, it always hurt more when we'd actually gotten to talk. It's so much easier to not have contact at all

          Did you at any point regret your decision? No.

          How long did it take you to feel better? Six months.

          What did you do to cope with missing your people back home?
          I'd remind myself that this is temporary. I started writing a letterbook to my sister. I cried a lot. I fb stalked them. But, in the end I know I chose this. They are hurting because of me, because I'm making a future with the man I love. So sometimes I just remind myself of that, and I do something to enjoy this decision I've made.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            Originally posted by Darth_Taco View Post

            Did you at any point regret your decision?
            Repeatedly, but I regret everything on my period XP. When I'm sane, I'm happy with my decision.
            This made me LOL!

