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What are you going to give to your SOs for Christmas?

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    He is getting new clothes because he needs them - love the man but his wardrobe needed some updates <3 I bought him The Hangover on bluray because he's never seen it and his big gift is a voice activated universal remote control. He's a gadget guy so I know he'll love that. Plus he gets me for a week since I fly up the day after Christmas! I tried to keep it small since I knew I would be flying up and wanted to make sure everything fit in my suitcase.


      Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
      A Japanese Hanko (signature) stamp with his name written in katakana along with an inkpad
      A dog tag that says "The Mad Hatter" on the front and "Forever at 4 o'Clock" on the back (I have a matching one)
      May I ask where you did the dog tags and the Hanko?


        I bought him a leather jacket and a little mini finger drum set it's all getting shipped to my house so I can pack it and send it out to him


          So far I have got my SO the movie Moon on dvd. I had to order it from Best Buy because I do not think they sell it in stores. I wanted to get it for him last Christmas but it wasn't out on dvd then

          Other than that, I am sort of at a loss I do not have a lot of money at the moment, so I cannot be near as extravagant as I was last year. Usually I am really good at picking him out gifts, but I haven't picked up on any good ideas lately as we haven't talked as much lately because we are both really busy. I really do not have time to make anything either until my exams are over :/


            We promised each other only to spend 10 bucks or less and get creative...hhaahahah and to spend the money on our kids.....BUT! Our anniversary is that day too.

            I am making him a collage calendar of all our pictures...
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              I can't say what I got my SO because he reads every single thing that I post.
              BUT I will tell you that it's absolutely smashing, and if I remember I'll tell you after he figures out what I got him


                Originally posted by princessmia View Post
                I can't say what I got my SO because he reads every single thing that I post.
                BUT I will tell you that it's absolutely smashing, and if I remember I'll tell you after he figures out what I got him
                My SO does the same... lol.

                I got my SO 2 "surprise gifts" and we are both going to exchange Calendars as a 3rd gift to each other. I also got her family gifts which represent Canada, mainly the west coast
                "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                  Originally posted by archangel View Post
                  My SO does the same... lol.
                  Hah! And here I was thinking I was the only person with that privilege


                    headphones for iphone that do not actually fall off ears, pajama pants (coz he only has one pair and they are old), a t-shirt that goes together with pajama pants, a bag for bowling balls (he likes bowling and he has 2 bowling balls and I have noticed that the bag is ripped and is falling apart, so I bought him a new bowling bag for balls).
                    That is all I have as of right now. I may get him smth else later.


                      I think I'm going to go all-out on baking things for him for Christmas. I've got a few recipes I'm dying to send to him.
                      All sorts of Chocolate recipes, Christmas/winter theme'd items as well as a pumpkin bread I made a while ago. It'll be interesting to see if he likes all/any of it.

                      (Go Fed-Ex flat-rate boxes! xD )


                        My SO is actually going to be in for Christmas and I have NO freaking idea what to get him. PLEASE help me!!

                        At first I was going to get him an ID Bracelet with something sweet about our LDR engraved underneath it.. Cute, right? Wrong. The first thing he said was No Jewelery!

                        Ok. So my second idea was to get him one of those really nice dartboards.. You know the ones with the wooden cases and all the fancy stuff... Considering he just bought a house on his own, I though that would be the perfect bachelor pad gift. Good idea right? Wrong again. I messaged his cousin and best friend asking what he thought of the idea, and in a very nice way he ultimately said.. Eh, you can do better.

                        I would be VERY open to any suggestions!


                          @Britt0851 Really? You think the cookies won`t taste good after one week???
                          Well...We are making them in the middle of december and they still taste great at xmas and New Years eve. Just send them over to him :-) Even if they are getting a bit crisp he still could dip them into a hot chocolate :-)


                            Well, thats why I started this treat because Im also a bit lost in a way.
                            I will send him a parcel with some special Swiss chocolate since he loves to eat it and then I will put some other things in it but I really dont know what. I wanted to go to a girl who is a photographer and have a shooting but shes fully booked and I dont want that someone I dont know takes pictures of me! Especially when there are not sooo many clothes.
                            But maybe I could send him an album later one I know he wouldnt mind and would still be very thankful.

                            But if someone has agood and cute idea dont hesitate to tell me your ideas ;-)


                              I don't even know to be honest... I don't think I can send him anything... I think his mom would throw a fit :/

                              First Met Online: May 08
                              Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                              First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                              Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                              Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


                                I just bought my SO a stuffed Wookie doll from Star Wars! (his user name on here is letawookiewin, so that should explain how much he likes star wars lol) I think it is cute, and I bought him similar R2D2 one around a year ago and he liked it

                                I also think I will get him a deck of cards decorated by people in the area. I remember him saying he liked them, but I can't remember where I saw them at! I will go looking for them next week.

                                Also, I thought about getting him a "Would you rather book" so that we could ask each other questions on the phone, but my dad said that guys do not like those kinds of that true?

                                Edit: I just found the cards (! Just bought them! Now I am good to go with his Christmas presents I might make a thing or two and write him a letter as well, but I am happy that I got the bulk out of the way!
                                Last edited by Bluestars; December 7, 2010, 07:24 PM.

