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My holiday turns to another chance of LDR

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    My holiday turns to another chance of LDR

    Hi all,
    Its been quite long since last time i went to this website. Honestly few weeks ago it might still hurt to get in here because my first LDR with my OZ bf not going well that he decide not to talk or do any communication what so ever with me.
    Its just some culture things (he said so). I show my objection about his new habit of drinking, he said i can't understand western culture. Anyway, its past.

    I went to a trip to Hongkong and Macau for 5 days. Hongkong was ok. And then i went to Macau.
    I saw him first time at Macau Tower, he did a sky walk 233 meter above the sea level, but that time a saw this lady that seemed so excited of things he did behind the glass, i thought she was his gf or wife.
    But i took a picture of him, because he seemed enjoy the thrill of the 233meters height... just for a souvenir i thought.
    I go down again and wait for the same bus to get me to Senado Square. Its quite long wait, until the bus is coming. When i jump in this guy jumps in too. It was him, he stare through my eyes (for few secs..). He doesnt have small change so i gave it to him to pay the bus.
    We talk during the bus ride. I thought he was living in Macau, when i said i want to go to Senado Square, he said he stay near the light house (i assume he live in a house near a light house, wow).
    When i (thought) i was on the correct bust stop and get off the bus, he jumps out too. He said we walk on the same direction.
    First i thought-geez i met a stalker!
    But he was nice, and funny, he had this funny accent and we got lost for almost an hour and half and finally found the square!!
    It was very beautiful afternoon at St Paul Ruins, we take few pictures, and he insist on carry my bulky backpack. Lend me his jacket because its started to get cold. When he knows my feet are hurt because i am wearing my leather boots, his face really worried, oh wow...
    We had dinner in a fancy restaurant. I just thought-its just holiday fling, i did read fact how its more easily for us to falling in love while we're in a vacation. But that wont last. So i just enjoy it.
    That night while we're looking at light house he said he love me . We spent 2 days in Macau and did crazy things as jump off the 233 meters Macau tower at same night(yepp we did it!) -it was a beautiful night for a jump!!
    We left Hongkong at the same day. The thing that i call "wont last" break my heart when i hug him for the last time at airport (he's flying to German and i am flying back to Indonesia). He kept saying not to cry (and he seemed almost cry too), and be the last person who get in to the plane. I know he took my heart away. He said, who ever found internet first, should sent email. I agree.
    Back to reality at home. I saw no mail inbox. So i sent him a mail asking if hes all right. I never thought he would reply, dont dare to hope!!
    But he did.
    He did until now... we chat almost every night, we mails each other, do skype.
    He back to work, and so does i, we try to cope with the communication problem, i get my self a new head set, and he got him self a cellphone.

    We learn about each other a lot for past few weeks. And i know he also doesn't think this is just a holiday fling. The more i talk with him, the more i know how he actually feel about me. He

    This morning i just think again...oh wow... i am back to LDR again... and here i am.. i am not fearing the distance between us. No trauma from last relationship as this time its different.. this is the guy who worry when he lost me in a corner of Hongkong street thinking a triad had kidnap me, a guy who always said i look beautiful even though my hair was messy and my face peeling because the cold winds.

    I just wish, the more distance i had with him now, the stronger our relationship will be. Lots works to do, but i am sure we will be all right!

    Wish us good luck guys!

    Good luck! And welcome back to LFAD.

    Also, I call BS on the drinking thing. It still comes down to preference. My Ozzie boyfriend doesn't like drinking, so don't let anyone ever tell you that you don't understand - they're making excuses.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Nice story! Nice beginning of the relationship.. WIsh you luck! and welcome to LFAD again!<3


        Thank you...

        Originally posted by Silviar View Post
        Good luck! And welcome back to LFAD.

        Also, I call BS on the drinking thing. It still comes down to preference. My Ozzie boyfriend doesn't like drinking, so don't let anyone ever tell you that you don't understand - they're making excuses.
        It was, he just got so offended because i said that he might have to slow down on the alcohol. Because i dont like how he behave on phone after a few drinks. It hurt me because he said i can not understand.
        Its ok, i know what socially drinking, or drinking problems. I work with expats from different countries, my boss from Canada, USA and Oz.. and they don't drink that much.

        Its sad, but i can not help someone who doesn't want to help them self had my patience until he blame me for not being there/also an excuse for him to drink, which is pretty lousy.

        I met new guy, and hes caring, and i cant remember he drink alcohol except wine when we're dining. I hope i wont face same problem again


          Thanks a lot! yeah i wish it will last!


            Aww that's soo sweet...good luck and welcome back ♥


              Thank you! and hey i love your quote about courage.. because when i feel something about him thats what i put in my mind, doing things that i am afraid to do-to falling in love again and do LDR!
              He made me strong and weak at the same time some how



                Welcome back!
                That's a cute sounds like something from a book, the way you went off at the same stops and stuff


                  Originally posted by uniquefem View Post
                  Thank you! and hey i love your quote about courage.. because when i feel something about him thats what i put in my mind, doing things that i am afraid to do-to falling in love again and do LDR!
                  He made me strong and weak at the same time some how
                  You're welcome..and thank you I know the whole, strong but weak feeling at the same's amazing when someone can do that to you.


                    Aww cute story! Good luck and welcome back to LFAD!


                      Originally posted by princessmia View Post

                      Welcome back!
                      That's a cute sounds like something from a book, the way you went off at the same stops and stuff
                      Ohh you had no idea! i could say that i am a kind of girl who's quite reasonable, i don't like tv drama (that always had a happy ending). And the things that happens that day is quite weird!
                      Its actually started when i jump on bus without small coins (ya ya.. its stupid) before i was getting into a wrong shuttle bus to Grand Lisboa hotel-my first plan was to go to Senado Square and Macau tower was the last!
                      When i jump on the local bus and didn't have a small change/coins, a local old man insist to pay the bus for me and doesn't want to take my money as return (he seemed got offended when i did that)! then i said to my self that i will do this kindness to someone else, you know a chain kindness, i will give the 10MOP if they are in same situation like i was before!
                      And its him who doesn't have small change right on the next bus i ride.. made me had goosebumps when i think of that! also the picture coincidence... i like his face when he laugh on the top of that tower, with Macau landscape as background. He doesn't know i took the picture, and day after i show him the picture, he said "when did you take the picture? i didn't see you! why you take it?" hehehe... its still a mystery why i did!

                      Later after we talk, we also discover that, its not only me that lead to the tower. He got lost too, and he wasn't suppose to be there, he was planning to go to somewhere else that time. He was planning to go to Grand Lisboa-place where i got the wrong shuttle bus!

                      I don't believe in fate-but i guess its happens to us, and i am glad it happen


                        Cute story! Welcome back


                          Originally posted by Elissa View Post
                          Cute story! Welcome back
                          Thanks... hope it will goes well!

