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Do you and your SO ever have "off days?"

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    Do you and your SO ever have "off days?"

    My SO is coming in on Friday. We Skyped tonight and something just seemed "off."

    Usually we are totally silly, laughing and happy. You would think we would be exceptionally thrilled given the fact that he is coming in so soon. But we just, weren't.

    There were small arguments and even little moments of awkwardness, which we never ever have. I know a lot of the feelings were on my end, because it upset me to see him be more distant than usual. He insisted over and over that nothing was wrong, but I could just tell something was off.

    Is it normal for things to change when it gets closer to seeing one another? (This is not the first time we've seen each other. We've known eachother for 8 years, but LDR for 5 months.) Tonight was just so strange and it scares me.

    I'm sorry for being such a downer.. I'm just really feeling bummed right now, when I should be feeling excited.

    I think it happens when you have things on your mind or something happened that day...sometimes you wonder if things will still be the same when you see each other and maybe that's what was on his mind. I know my SO got really awkward right before he got here...and the phone conversation right after he left was awkward too...I mean you are so excited about seeing each other but sometimes you realize that at the end of the rip you will wish you had been able to spend more time with them. Sometimes its better to not Skype because it makes the anticipation that much better. Perhaps he is worried that you won't have much to say or you will be uncomfortable with each other in person. Just ask him if something is wrong or what's on his mind...I'm sure he will tell you :-)


      I think that this is really common. I used to freak out when my SO and I had nights like this. And then I realized that I was putting so much pressure on our skype conversations and if it wasn't amazing (funny, interesting, etc) then I was really bummed out and took it really personally.

      It's just the normal ups and downs of a relationship. CD or LD.


        We did before visits. Just have to push past though, because they are bound to vanish when you're together again. I did get pretty weird before he came out though. Didn't mean to, but it was pretty obvious.


          it happens to every couple, i dont like it when me and Denise have these off moments because shes usually bubbly and when shes not i dont like it, but to quote her "if we were like this 24/7 everyday things would get boring!"


            Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
            I think that this is really common. I used to freak out when my SO and I had nights like this. And then I realized that I was putting so much pressure on our skype conversations and if it wasn't amazing (funny, interesting, etc) then I was really bummed out and took it really personally.

            It's just the normal ups and downs of a relationship. CD or LD.
            Yeah I think this exactly describes how I was feeling last night. Turns out I was just being silly. Everything is much better today. I over-analyze EVERYTHING and I really need to stop that, lol.


              yeah and heres another thing.. my SO and i usually seem to fight more the closer we get to seeing each other. we're just so anxious as the days get closer, but they dont seem to be moving fast enough so it actually aggrivates us.. it shouldn't be something to worry, it's normal.. especially the closer you get to seeing each other.

