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Before I fly off the handle...

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    Before I fly off the handle...

    (Preface: I'm in a funk because today is the recommended deadline for sending a parcel to the USA from Canada (by surface, as I can't afford it otherwise) for it to arrive in time for Christmas. I am not finished his scarf (I stayed up until 4am working on it last night and I am still not finished), his other presents aren't wrapped, and the post office is open until 5ish...but parcel pick-up is more like 3 (which is in less than 15 minutes). So...I guess I will have to put it off until tomorrow and hope it gets there on time, but it's so frustrating that I have been dedicating my days lately a lot to his gifts and not much else and I'm still not done! Oi!)

    Anyway, I am upset by stuff on Facebook again. I was visiting his profile, because I was going to be a keener and send him one, last congratulations on his recital (I swear that most of my Facebook misfortunes lately are by chance and not creeping). This girl had posted that she was sorry she missed his recital and said she was looking forward to game night with him and was being kind of cutesy (which my current mood finds obnoxious in adults)/ flirty. This is also the same girl who had posted something on the recital page saying she was unlikely to make it, but wanted to know if there would be "partying" after. She was also added as a friend (okay this part is maybe from a little creeping awhile ago) awhile ago when he and I were a bit "off" and he had gone out with some choir friends (also, he had claimed that in that specific choir they were all really cliquey and he never did anything with them) and basically ditched a date we had scheduled that had already been put off, plus never really told me much beyond that. Now, this stuff on its own is annoying, but when I put it together and also remember that he has said that he goes to every campus football or basketball game with just his "sister and dad"....and, yet, this girl makes it seem like it's a regular thing for my SO to be meeting up with her there...I have some alarm bells. In her most recent Facebook post, it seems like she mentioned a boyfriend (I assume) that told her the recital was, maybe there's no pursuit of my boyfriend on her part, but I am feeling insecure, I guess, that he seems to go out of his way lately to tell me he's just done stuff with family or what have you (or will say that he met with blah, blah friend) and fails to mention her?

    Blah...and now I just kind of want to flake out on watching Glee with him tonight (we haven't had any sort of "date" in about three weeks) and maybe not talk to him on the phone. There are just too many little things lately and I feel like I'm on overload (and I said it yesterday and reasoned through it in the other thread in a positive light, but it does upset me to think that there is a chance he phoned his friends about the recital before he phoned me...which still makes me feel like there is a rank order and I figure in somewhere further down the list, like I thought originally).

    I Hate hate hate when I'm feeling really insecure for one reason or another and then some girl posts something flirty. It makes my mood even worse. I find that talking it out with someone really helps me put things in perspective.

    Also, why not talk to him about her?
    "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


      Originally posted by Rugger View Post
      I Hate hate hate when I'm feeling really insecure for one reason or another and then some girl posts something flirty. It makes my mood even worse. I find that talking it out with someone really helps me put things in perspective.

      Also, why not talk to him about her?
      Hey, thanks so much for your reply. Sometimes it's good just to have someone else tell me that what I'm feeling isn't unusual or weird. I'm glad I feel comfortable posting it on here, too, because I know my Mom would jump on it and any other friends are too far away, too busy with exams, don't know much about him, etc. There's one girl I would talk to, but she's been quite ill again, so I don't know if me venting to her is a kind thing or not (especially since I haven't phoned her in awhile)--it really helps me to post here, sometimes.

      That's a good point. I think I should, maybe? I guess I am worried that 1) since I have so many other little things that I've been holding back (so as not to stress him out prior to his recital), I'm afraid that I won't be able to just keep it at that one thing and the flood gates will open. 2) Since I am feeling moody and insecure, I honestly don't know how to approach him about it without sounding immediately jealous. The best I can think of is something like "I noticed one of your friends congratulated you and that there's a game night planned. Will you see basketball?" That doesn't really satisfy me, though, when I want to know who she is, why she's being a bit flirty, and why he seems not to be telling me that he's hanging out with her/ volunteers the information that he goes to these games with his immediate family only (also, the passive one I thought of is definitely one that he would just give a short reply to and change the subject or go on a tangent with, just based on how we "Yes, we'll see basketball. Hey, did you know that basketball helps to..."). Do you have any ideas of what I could say?

      (P.S., your bunny and my bunny should have a bunny club. It can be about chewing absolutely everything, getting bigger jumps, and being adorable).


        I love this place for that very reason because There are people here who were going through the exact same thing.

        I would just be direct with him. Ask him about the recital and then ask " So hey I noticed this girl being a little bit flirty what's the deal ?" It's an innocent enough question and lets you know what you want to know.

        (I agree. My Duncan girl would love that!!!)
        "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


          I think that the first thing you should do is talk to him...if there is a girl being flirty then you have the right as his SO to know who she is and why he is allowing her to cross the boundaries of your relationship. There are times when each of us is feeling insecure and its our SO's role to make sure that they reassure us. It sucks that you weren't able to make it to his recital...but him not calling you first may have just been that he wanted to talk to you longer and share more details with you and knew the convos with friends would be shorter. My SO has done the same thing and at first I was upset about it and then i realized that we do share more with each other and I do want him to have friends and a life separate from me. Its never good to hold things in...I think you should talk to him as soon as possible even if its just a long letter or email just to get things off of your chest so that you can talk...Maybe you could say something like I have been really insecure about the distance lately because it seems like you have girls near you who are interested and it scares me and makes me a lil jealous because I can't spend time with you...and hopefully he reassures you from there. GL :-) I hope it helps a bit I'm not the best at giving advice.


            Honestly... it just sounds like she is a friend. I have lunch with some of my guy friends every day and their girlfriends see my posts on their walls and have asked the guys about me (they told me this) and I thought that was a bit weird. We're just friends. People hang out with their friends and it's probably not occurred to him to tell you about every one of his friends he parties with because, well, why would that be an interesting conversation topic? I'd not worry hun.


              Yeah I've felt like that before. And posted about it. Hopefully when you talk to him he'll understand and you can come to a resolution, unlike me and my bf. Im just ignoring his douchie-ness for now and wondering if he's actually the one like I thought before

