Well, the bad news is that I won't be able to see Joe for New Year's Eve. It was a visit that we've had to postpone probably a handful of times since October.
The good news is that I'll see him no later than mid-February...when I move up there to live with him.
It's even possible that I could move up there in a month! He got two military checks today that he was waiting for and now he wants to see when he gets the next one and we'll choose a moving date then. 
The decision was up to me...I could either visit at the end of this month, but then I wouldn't be able to move up there until April or March at the earliest, or we wait and the next time we see each other is when he drives the U-Haul down here to pick up me and my stuff. It was a tough decision and I really couldn't choose, so he ended up making the choice. And even though I'm kind of disappointed I won't see him this month, I'm glad that I'll be moving up to Northern California very soon.
The good news is that I'll see him no later than mid-February...when I move up there to live with him.

The decision was up to me...I could either visit at the end of this month, but then I wouldn't be able to move up there until April or March at the earliest, or we wait and the next time we see each other is when he drives the U-Haul down here to pick up me and my stuff. It was a tough decision and I really couldn't choose, so he ended up making the choice. And even though I'm kind of disappointed I won't see him this month, I'm glad that I'll be moving up to Northern California very soon.
