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What things do you do to feel closer to your SO?

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    What things do you do to feel closer to your SO?

    The point of this post is to see what we all do when we're feeling that lovesick feeling when we're away from our SO. Even if your embarrassed to say them, it might help you get some more ideas.

    Things that I often do include the following:

    - I'll look through our pictures
    - I'll go back and read things he's sent me
    - Often I listen to our song
    - When I feel really bad I cuddle/sleep in his shirts and sweat shirts, I always feel like he's holding me because it's something that truly belonged to him.
    - Along with sleeping in his stuff I sometimes go in the guest bedroom where we slept together and sleep there for the night

    Let's see how many comments we can get.. (:

    When I was dating my SO, one of the things did was look at the clock and try to figure out what she was doing at the time. I had a copy of her schedule and she had a copy of mine so in many ways it was a question of mental math (I was 6 hours ahead of her).

    Other things I did. We had a box, just a small box (no more that 3 inches cubed)which we would send gifts to each other. Well when I was feeling lonely I would dig out her gifts and just look at them. I would also plan on what gift i was going to send back and when.

    BTW, We Still have the Box........(I think I will find her a Christmas gift that will fit into it).
    Love is the only thing that can cross all boundaries and cannot be stopped. It crosses countries, continents, oceans and even the stars themselves. It makes peace in the middle of war, and stops hatred in it's tracks. -Anon

    Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. - Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 13:3-5)


      I re-read certain text messages. He left one of his deodorants here on his last visit so sometimes I take the top off of it and "smell" him. I know that sounds weird, but it helps I look at our pictures too...I'll text him random silly things so I feel like he's part of my day...


        I always buy things red because that is his favorite colors and i chose the number 17 because that is our anniversary day

        "Together forever but never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart!"

        Met: 9.15.08
        Started Dating: 10.17.08
        Been an LDR since: 10.17.08
        First time meeting: 5.28.09 - 6.2.09


          I cyberstalk him!

          No really...he is very public on the Internet. He has profiles EVERYWHERE. So I follow his multiple accounts and get an idea of what he's thinking sometimes. Of course, it's also bad because I can see how "Mr. I'm-so-busy" is busy goofing off on the web.

          I also listen to some of the music we've shared.

          When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

          True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

          When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

          1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


            I re-read old texts
            I wrote the story of how we met and our first date and re-read that
            I look through pictures
            Where his sweater or his favourite NHL team t-shirt (despite that it's not my favourite team)
            listen to songs that remind me of him
   dream of things we'll do next time we see each other.


              When I feel lonely I watch some of the old video clips we made together, and also a 1 Year Anniversary video that I made for him. I keep a box with all sorts of things in it that I look through, including pictures, movie tickets, brochures from places we've been, a baggie of sand from the Oregon coast, one of his pencils he accidentally left in my bag, and some other trinkets. Ill also put on his shirts and smell his axe spray...

              And I'll cuddle with my build-a-bear he got me last year, with a little shirt that has "I love you Stacy. When I'm not there, grab this teddy bear" embroidered onto it <3


                I blog about our relationship, make videos for him on basic everyday things that I do, my last video was of me shoveling the driveway.
                Kimberly J


                  I do all of the above that has been mentioned. One thing he has told me he does to remember me is eat vegetarian things. hahaha He's quite the carnivore and I'm practically vegan so sometimes he'll tell me "I was thinking of you today and got a spinach empanada instead of beef"

                  I also like to cook Costa Rican food, put on salsa music and drink guaro!


                    To be honest, I think about her all the time. I just can't help it. But I often read through some of the texts we've sent each other.. They are all cute, funny or sexy , and they remind me of the conversations we have had - either on skype or back when we were CD. There are a few songs that remind me of her, and I also tend to take a stroll down memory lane whilst looking at our gazillions of photos and videos from before I took off. I often catch myself smiling or semi-laughing when I find a picture I had forgotten about or one of us in a weird situation .. hehe, there are quite a few of those weirdo-pictures ^^

                    But most of all, I often take out the necklace she gave me just before I took off, and I just sit or stand there and space out gazing at it.. remembering her scent or imagining what she's doing at that particular moment...

                    Hah! Even posting stuff here on LFAD makes me feel close to her! I know she's stalking me inhere, and I know she'll read whatever I write (......can't really say I don't do the same though -_-) ... even this ....... and THIS! See? And it's a nice feeling


                      I look at his picutre, smell his colonge, read through old texts and emails. I look through my scrapbook I meade with things from him. I listen to our songs, I read old emails, I text him. We have a code when we are feeling the distance and need a little more attention. I have a busy life, but he is never, ever far from my mind.


                        I read letters, texts, look at her pictures, and eat Gushers because she loves those


                          I also read through text messages or watch the videos he sent me. Or look at pics. We usually see each other every 4-6 weeks or so and he makes sure to put some of his cologne on the shirt he gave me before he leaves, I always have that in bed with me during the night ;-) I am glad i found this site to share my story with other LDR couples!


                            I put together this little shoebox of memories that have everything we have done in the past year, from movie tickets to random doddles who drew for each other. I always looks at that when I miss him a lot, it puts me in a good mood and it brings back great memories.

                            Madly in love with Michael


                              When I'm missing him, I always:

                              -Sleep with his shirt on my pillow.
                              -Sleep holding onto "Papa", his childhood toy.
                              -Make him Calling-sleep with me.
                              -Draw pictures of us.
                              -Spend time planning our wedding.

                              Those are just a few off the top of my head.

