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    So, Christmas is on Saturday and John won't be able to make it here. So, I thought of the idea to drive to him on Christmas and spend it with him and go home on the 26th. The only things that are making the decision 100% for sure is that I have had my license for 6 months and it is a 2 hour drive to see him. All freeway, and I have only done the freeway once for 5 minutes.

    Plus, his family is seeing Tron and he said if I go I can see it with them. We have been dating for 2 1/2 yrs and I have only met his parents twice, both occurances were very uncmfortable. I was so nervous i even cried in front of John.

    He will be coming to see me on the 31st. I already asked him again if he could come see me Christmas evening and he said no. Which, I don't know why he can't.

    What do you think I should do?

    I can understand why he may not be able to make it to see you. As much as he loves you, he probably
    wants to spend it with his family, and his family want to spend time with him during Christmas Night/Day.
    I wouldn't be too worried, you're still seeing him on the 31st, so you'll see him pretty soon after Christmas.


      I agree with Snowy. At the very least you have a set date that's only 6 days away from Christmas day. If he doesn't want to come, you can't make him and I think making yourself uncomfortable by driving yourself is not a good idea as you don't want your memories of such a time to be bad. That and the driving thing, I'd be worried about you honestly.


        Thanks guys. I still don't know what I'm gonna do. Part of me wants to drive to see him and another part of me wants to just wait till the 31st for him to come to me. He even said last night that it would make him happy if I came to him. The whole driving 2 hours thing does concern me. I know eventually I have to get on the freeway. It would be easier for me to want to stay home on Christmas if stuff wasn't so weird at my house. My parents are stressed over my brother who is severely depressed, and my sister may be coming over and we don't get along whatsoever. I get really shy on christmas because she has gifts for me and Im nervous and my face gets red...idk...


          Can't you use public transportation to go there ?
          If not, stay at home, you'll se him the 31st, it's pretty close !


            Originally posted by Cucaratcha View Post
            Can't you use public transportation to go there ?
            If not, stay at home, you'll se him the 31st, it's pretty close !
            No, I can't use public transportation. It would be expensive and more time consuming.


              I think you should just wait until the 31st. You've said you aren't that comfortable with freeways so I wouldn't risk your safety at all. You'll be seeing him on New Year's Eve, that's almost as good as Christmas Eve in my eyes. I understand that you're bummed out that you won't see him on Christmas, but it'll be okay, you're seeing him a few days later. Meanwhile if you stay at home, try and put the Christmas spirit into your family and try and not worry too much (:


                Originally posted by Snowy.Winter View Post
                I think you should just wait until the 31st. You've said you aren't that comfortable with freeways so I wouldn't risk your safety at all. You'll be seeing him on New Year's Eve, that's almost as good as Christmas Eve in my eyes. I understand that you're bummed out that you won't see him on Christmas, but it'll be okay, you're seeing him a few days later. Meanwhile if you stay at home, try and put the Christmas spirit into your family and try and not worry too much (:
                Yeah, I think I should wait it out. But the closer it gets to xmas the more I feel more anxious and sad. I am going to talk it out with my boyfriend and see what he thinks I should do. He said the freeway won't be busy on xmas and its somewhat similar to main roads. Im gonna think about it, I am not going to jump into it without putting any thought in it.


                  You need some freeway practice before driving two hours, in what's sure to be busy traffic conditions. I think you should wait until you're more comfortable with the driving situation, especially since it's been so cold and snowy lately and your inexperience could easily get you into an accident. Stay home and stay safe. He's not coming to see you because he has plans with his family, it happens. Be happy for him if he has a good family situation, a lot of people don't, and it shows family is important to him, which is a good thing for your future. Relax, start practicing your driving (so you can easily see him after Winter is over), and just wait till the 31st.

                  I just saw where you said the freeway won't be busy. It might not, I don't know the area of course, but everybody travels to see family on Christmas. Depending on the time, it could be VERY busy!
                  Last edited by Moon; December 18, 2010, 02:27 PM. Reason: added info!
                  Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                    Let us know how it goes! And if you do go, keep us updated (:


                      Originally posted by Moon View Post
                      You need some freeway practice before driving two hours, in what's sure to be busy traffic conditions. I think you should wait until you're more comfortable with the driving situation, especially since it's been so cold and snowy lately and your inexperience could easily get you into an accident. Stay home and stay safe. He's not coming to see you because he has plans with his family, it happens. Be happy for him if he has a good family situation, a lot of people don't, and it shows family is important to him, which is a good thing for your future. Relax, start practicing your driving (so you can easily see him after Winter is over), and just wait till the 31st.

                      I just saw where you said the freeway won't be busy. It might not, I don't know the area of course, but everybody travels to see family on Christmas. Depending on the time, it could be VERY busy!
                      I have main road experience, is that not enough? John suggested I go on the freeway before christmas and go off one or 2 exits.


                        Originally posted by Snowy.Winter View Post
                        Let us know how it goes! And if you do go, keep us updated (:
                        I'll keep everyone updated on what the decision is


                          Originally posted by sagittariusgirl89 View Post
                          I have main road experience, is that not enough? John suggested I go on the freeway before christmas and go off one or 2 exits.
                          Well, I dunno I'd go further than one or two exits though, and I'd do it in traffic, just to be sure. In my area (Philly metro) it wouldn't be enough, but we've got some crazy stuff here, and our main roads are different than the freeways, but that's here, I don't know about Ohio. The only time I've been in Ohio was an airport layover

                          I know how sometimes the desire to be with our SO's can make us do things we wouldn't normally, and sometimes that's a good thing, but I just want to make sure you feel comfortable and stay safe. Drivers can be stressed and angry around the holidays, and driving like idiots. Keep that in mind if you go, and watch out for them. The length of time isn't too bad, it'll go by fast, if its an easy drive.
                          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                            Thank you Moon. I am going to think about it


                              I say if you want to and weather permitting you should go up there to see him for christmas, or take the bus up there if you can. if you cant then wait until the 31st, or better yet Mapquest your destination because they have the option to avoid highways and stuff

