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Update Or A Goodbye To LFAD [Part 1]

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    Update Or A Goodbye To LFAD [Part 1]

    Hey Everyone.

    Its been a while since I have come back to LFAD mainly due to being ashamed and embarrassed, The last time I was on LFAD I hadn't heard from my SO in three weeks and after posting he sent me a message on facebook that weekend saying how much he missed me and it was hard for him to do anything or spend time with his family because he was missing me etc, he apologized for the lack of communication and he was on his way to his parents house that he was staying at his cousins house. He called me the next day and we talked, but honestly (this is where it gets tough to talk about) he sounded different, of the two years I have known him and been involved with him he and I had always communicated with each other.

    I will be honest that for the 15% of our relationship I had problems with talking to him the right way (from accusations, arguing, nagging and being semi controlling because I was scared if there would be a female around him if there was ever that chance). During the 3 weeks of not hearing from him I had promised myself that if I ever had the chance to speak with him I would work on how I spoke to him because I wanted this relationship to really work.

    During that weekend (Sunday, September 12th) he just seemed very different and not intimate at all he communicated that he got a job opportunity in Lethbridge (his hometown) and that it would be a couple month job (one of those labor jobs) he asked me how I felt about it and I told him (dispite my insecurities of him being away from his home moving out of his parents house to stay with people that I know think LDR’s are ridiculous, and knowing that his past is in Lethbridge.) I tried to make the best of it and told him that I think it was a great idea for him and a wonderful opportunity to finally work and get out of his parents house, he told him (whispering) “I need to get out of this house and start my life”.

    During that time my SO and his mother (she is another story) were constantly arguing and his dad (the only provider of the house/head of the house) was always in the middle of that stress and the stress of supporting my SO, his mom and his mom’s daughter. So that was a lot of stress at the time and I understood his dad’s frustrations and trying to limit the stress so he was always on my SO’s case about getting a job and getting stuff started with his life (I supported this a lot and part of my 15% nagging was him getting on with his life and getting a job but for the most part I was encouraging rather then nagging because he saw me as the example and even told me I inspired him to get his life started.

    During that weekend that we spoke things just seemed odd between us, it came down to it that he thought it would be best for us to go on a break (I was extremely scared of that and felt that breaks 75% of the time lead to break ups) he told me that he needs this for himself because the stress of calling me and not being here for me was getting to him and he felt he needs to focus on himself right now and get his life straightened out (I support him with that).

    He wanted us to still remain friends during the break because he said he cannot just forget me and throw us away after 2 years and that he needs a good friend right now and that I am his best friend, I was mad about just being friends and said how sure are you that we may get back together and he said 75% and I said why only 75 he said because the 15% would be up to you.

    But it just seemed like there was more to it then just that so I brought it out of him trying to get him to tell me more then what he was just saying, he told me that I am too dominating and needy (I was extremely upset and felt that this was something someone had told him from an outsiders opinion).

    Mind you the first day I heard from him in 3 weeks he called me and talked for a little bit and he said he was leaving to go jam with one of his buddies so rather then being the old me and saying no and telling him that he’s being ridiculous and needs to talk to me I was very calm (tried to be) and told him to go with peace and said for him to call me when he gets home and to enjoy himself and have fun and that I love him. We said our I love you’s and he left, he called me the next day not that same day.

    When he told me what he said about being dominating etc I reminded him of how I feel like he doesn’t see me trying and that the day I heard from him I let him go without fighting him to stay, he got quiet and said I was right and that he’s sorry he was judging me based on how I have been in the past and explained that he does want us to try to work things out. I was still very hurt and I kept feeling something wasn’t right. To make a long story short I was crying because I really felt something was off and I told him “I swear if you have met someone else I hope you guys are extremely miserable and unhappy!” he replied very calmly “well that’s not nice. .” and I replied shocked but said “It wasn’t ment for it to be nice if someone has come in between us causing this.” (I forgot how that call ended) he was the first one after every phone call that weekend to say I love you first. That Sunday (Sept 12th) was the last I heard from him he had chosen to take the job and kept leaving that weekend to go get stuff to get ready to leave (his dad was going to drop him off at his dad’s friend’s house for my SO to stay with up in Lethbridge.) I tried to talk about maybe him getting his passport when he’s working and if he’s home then to see if he can come down for thanksgiving.

    I was eating lunch in my dorm’s cafeteria when he called me that Sunday and said he was going to walmart and he’ll be back he had told me before we got off the phone “And yes I would like to plan me coming there for thanksgiving if I have my passport in time.” (he sounded sincere). I felt as if there could be hope but still felt like something was going on but felt like he was trying despite what may be going on out there that he isn’t telling me. He also did have a talk to his dad on how his dad was treating me when he was gone those 3 weeks and his dad apologized to me.

    When he came back from walmart it was a short conversation because he was leaving with his dad that day. He told me he loved me and promised me that he would keep in contact with me this time, I asked him are you sure and he said yes that it wouldn’t be like last time. I believed him and we said I love you and that was the last I talked to him. I was under the impression that he had no minutes on his cell phone (at this time I started my nursing so I was determind to really keep my focus etc) my thought at the time was he is doing him and I am doing me so we will get to do us soon.

    [4 weeks into it not hearing from him] For some reason I tried to call his cell phone one day and it was ringing but going to a message that I only heard when he had no minutes so I thought nothing of it. One day I called on a Friday night and it was ringing like nothing again except this time he answered but didn’t say hello or anything (sounded like he was in a car going somewhere with someone) he hung up the phone. I was furious so I called again and he picked it up and before he hung it up again I heard a voice of a female quick (I was in too much shock to remember what was being said all I know is they were going somewhere). I called back and his phone was turned off because it wasn’t ringing.

    My first thought was to text him and hope he got it so I was angry in the text who wouldn’t be if they were in that situation. He never answered or anything. I talked to his dad later on but obviously his family doesn’t seem to want to give me info they just act surprised. His sister at the time seemed sincere with when she told me that he hasn’t called her and she was upset with him for not doing so, she told me that he doesn’t do this and doesn’t know what is wrong with him. His dad said the same thing (My mind now is his family is full of shit). His sister explained to me that when she went over her parents house and went to my SO’s room she seen that he took his stuff with him but she thought it was sad and weird that he left behind a picture of him and his niece and nephew she was hurt about that and didn’t know why he would leave it behind she thought that maybe he was trying to not miss anyone and stay focused.

    There has been a certain number he has been calling, I got the number and called a man is on the voicemail but a women answer’s the number. (This is another story about how I got the number).

    October 4th was our 2 year anniversary and he didn’t call me. I was hurt and really didn’t expect that. I decided to stop talking to his family all together and deleted them off my face book, his sister sent me a message asking me why I deleted her and I explained that it was too much and hope she understood and she did but I added her back and deleted her again lol and recently added her again.

    My SO’s best friend said he is being a real asshole and that he is never like this and I said I know you are his best friend he told me and his best friend said “some best friend he doesn’t even return my calls etc” His best friend believes there may be a chance that he thinks my SO may be on drugs or something because he is never like this and he said I’m my SO’s first girlfriend that he has ever known about and hes known him since high school and even lived with him and my SO’s dad for a couple years so they were together 24/7 he explained to me how he was in high school and after and that my SO has always been the quiet kind never really a ladies man type always shy etc. His best friend called his dad and my SO’s dad told his best friend the same thing he told me that he was going to be home for Christmas. My SO’s best friend has really been there for me and is extremely mad at how my SO has shut off outsiders like myself and him and even his family until this point.

    [Continue To Part 2]
    Last edited by AmandaZamar; December 19, 2010, 08:39 PM.

    Update Or A Goodbye To LFAD [Part 2]

    December 17th I was with my best friend and she was with me when I called his dad one more time. His dad said my SO will be home for Christmas and that he was going to be picking him up Christmas eve, he told me that my SO talked to his sister and said he would be home for a couple of weeks. I asked his dad where is he living and stuff and his dad said I don’t know what he’s been up to other then work he’s been working and I asked if he was doing his music his dad said no. So I cut the conversation and we said our goodbyes and he said he will try to have him call me (Once again full of shit in my opinion).

    My best friend suggest that I call Christmas day and if he answers for me to just say that I am calling to wish him a Merry Christmas and if he would like to talk to me he can call me the next day, she thinks that will get him to think of me and give him the night to think about talking to me or something. I hope she may be right.

    I have been trying to move on and do my own thing, its hard for me to just forget him but its hard for me to just drop 2 years of someone being there for and being my best friend, I’m shocked with his actions and extremely hurt he has never done this to me and I don’t know if its something he may be going through right now. But how can you do this after 2 years. I Love Him very much and he will always own my heart, Its just hard to believe that there may be hope and I’m lacking the hope part.

    The reason why this is so long (I summarized it to the basic) is because I have been too embarrassed and ashamed to come back to LFAD mainly because I feel like I don’t even belong here because me and my SO seem to be no longer active I guess even though there was no agreement on a “Its Over” basis or an official “Break” He left it the way I have said and I have been hurting and sad because this is not like him at all.

    I hope all of you can be supportive even if I no longer belong here despite my heart still being in it. I don’t wear my LDR bracelet anymore because I feel like I don’t count as a LDR anymore I feel like an outsider looking in and I am happy all of you have been strong and still together, If this is my last post or time here I may delete my account due to really not being an LDR at this point until something changes. I feel hopeless and broken that I’ve lost my best friend and lover. I wish you all the best in your relationships and hope you are all able to keep over riding your problems that come and stay strong. I thought we really would make it and maybe there is a chance but I don’t know.

    Happy Holidays everyone and God bless


      I'm sorry to hear about your problems. Truly. You have a home here whether you're in an LDR or not, though, if you want to.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        Aww you are welcome here. SO sorry to hear about all that has been happening..
        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


          I agree with the others you are always welcome to get the support that you need here. It sounds like your SO doesn't want to be in a relationship or an LDR of my own fears is that the relationship can end so easily because they can easily block communication. I'm so sorry that you have been going through so much but know that even though you love him and it will be hard to let go. His actions are speaking a lot louder than his words...You can never regret loving someone that once made you smile...but for now it seems best for you two to go your separate ways. I think that its just going to hurt you more to keep reaching out to him and getting disappointed...I know how that is because I was in a similar situation I tried so hard and offered so much and he still didn't want to be with me. You are a strong and I know you will make it through this and whether you work things out with him or move on I know it will work out for the best. Good luck :-)


            I'm sorry As others have said, you're always welcome here


              I am so sorry to hear what happen to you...

              Few months ago i had same experience.... my ex doesnt want to communicate with me at all. He just said something like "maybe we should not contact each other and think about what we really want"

              I tried everything i can, i call his mom, i send sweet sms and mails, calls, i beg, i threatened him, i send nasty sms/mails... well.. we do have the phase when we feel confuse, and then sad, and after that its all anger... i think thats how we heals. But i stop... i know if i did more than that he will really think i am crazy and he really took the best choice to leave me confuse! so i back off.. give him some space... and... i move on.

              End of October i had chance for traveling solo to Hongkong and Macau... thats where i met a stunning guy.. hes not that attractive, but they way he treat me like i am a princess .. i know i able to love again when i met him.. and its amaze me.. i thought i would still feel sad.. or will compare both of them.. but.. im not. Its feels natural... i feel safe with my SO.

              I think even if its hard to do, letting go of a relationship that can not possibly work because he gave up.. yepp gave up.. its hard but in a way its good to just ... let it go.

              I try to remember this all the time when i fell down on my knees crying because i broke my heart; when one door of happiness closes, another open; but often we look so long to the closed door that we CAN NOT see the one that already opened for us.

              I met my SO, he is from German, and yes, i had another LDR (with over 10.548kms or 6577miles distance between us). Its much longer distance like triple distance with my ex.

              Do i feel scare? sometimes i do. But its life.. you have to embrace love when it comes to you. I can not choose whom i fell in love with, when or how i will fall in love with-no matter how much romantic scenario you could set up... when it comes.. its just there.. whether you ready or not.

              Don't be too sad or grieving too long, chin up you're though and brave! (none doing an LDR a chicken or insecure, only brave and strong did!! and u did 2 years) cheers and be happy because once, both of you were in love, keep the memories with you. You could remember it sometimes but dont look back too long.

              You will never know what surprise wait for you ahead... good luck! *hugs*


                I am sorry he did you so wrong in this, but the one person is right. As long as your looking at the door that's closed, you are very likely to miss one that opens. It may not be another relationship, but it will be something that is much easier without this past relationship. Hold on, be strong, and don't leave. Just because you're no longer in an LDR doesn't mean you're not one of us. *huge hugs*


                  Originally posted by TknandLvnIt View Post
                  I agree with the others you are always welcome to get the support that you need here. It sounds like your SO doesn't want to be in a relationship or an LDR of my own fears is that the relationship can end so easily because they can easily block communication.
                  Don't kid yourself, that can happen in CD relationships as well.

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

