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"Welcome to our home and our family"

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    "Welcome to our home and our family"

    Okay, so I'm posting from up here in Canada where I'm staying with Alex, my boyfriend. ^^ I got here on Friday and no, I do not have any pictures yet. Those will come later. I assume. Maybe.

    ANYWAY! So last night was sort of a Christmas with his parents as they are going to Las Vegas for Christmas for a sort of couples' getaway. His aunt and uncle and cousin were there and we had wonderful food that we all got stuffed on. Pretty much everyone received presents (which was unexpected by all as apparently they'd originally declared it a "no present" Christmas). After his aunt and uncle and cousin left, though, his parents gave myself, Alex, and his sister each cards. They each had $200 CAD in them and had a personal message. In mine they said "Welcome to our home and our family."

    Apparently Alex told them he's serious about me.

    Anyway, just wanted to share that tidbit as it had me doing an inner happy dance.

    wooow that's really great! They sound very loving and generous I'm glad you're having a good visit!

    <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
    <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
    The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
    <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
    <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
    Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
    Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


      Aww, that was so sweet of them! :3 I got a little misty-eyed. You're one of the clan!

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        Aww... you're really lucky to have such great "in-laws" (for a lack of a better word). It's so much easier to visit and live with them, when you feel you're actually welcome and part of the family.

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          That's really awesome enjoy the rest of your stay with Alex!

          Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


            That is really sweet! It's soooo nice when you are included in your SO's family. Have a great rest of your trip and get those pics hehe!


              Aw, that is so adorable!!!! I'm glad you're having fun!


                That is sooo sweet! I know how great those little things can make me feel, so I am very happy for you!


                  Loved reading this! Have a great time.
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    Awe that's wonderful! You deserve it
                    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

