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What is the reason for the distance?

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    What is the reason for the distance?

    Ok, so I know that for some of us, the distance is simply because of where each person involved lives, but for others it's a little more complicated, maybe someone got a job somewhere else, or they're in the military, or are going to school somewhere else or whatever, so I'm just curious as to what the reason for your distance is.

    For me, my boyfriend got a job opportunity to teach english as a foreign language in China and since his student loans were sky high, he took the opportunity to make some money to pay off his student loans while also learning about himself and growing as a person. So that's the reason for our distance.


    He lives in Northern California and I live in Southern California. Neither of us had to money to move to where the other person was. We barely had enough money for visits! Hopefully we will be closing the distance in a month or two.


      SO left. He has a government job that took him far, far, away from me!


        My SO and I met at a conference in ATL in 08 and connected but lost touch because I was having issues because of a heartbreak...We lost touch because I started talking to someone else who ended up breaking my heart and not wanting a LDR with me anyway I didn't think I would see my SO again...and then I did at another conference in St. Louis he was three rows in front of me...we weren't speaking so I text him hope you enjoy the conference...and we talked every day since and went to lunch and everything...long story short He lives in CT and I live in CA and the only reason we met is because of the conferences...sigh my heart is on the other coast and there is no end in sight....


          Lessee... I was apart of an rp group on yahoo and we would rp in the user made chat rooms back before they were deleted, and this guy came into the room and I had a thing for attacking those who joined by glomping them and making them a part of the fun. This guy became a friend who introduced me to a friend he had named Tony, and Tony introduced me to his best friend, Matt, who became my boyfriend. Kind of has one of those "my dad's uncle's dog's vet's pet cat's sister's owner" feeling to it LOL


            We're just waiting for April so he can move up here and start getting ready for law school. He wants to hold off on making his parents pay all of his bills for longer.

            "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
            - A. A. Milne


              Custody. We both have small children and the ex's are involved in their lives so we're stuck.


                The #1 reason for the distance is my children. We are waiting until the summer starts because I don't want to move my children in the middle of the school year. If it weren't for them, I would be there already, but they are my top priority.



                  My boyfriend live in Southern California and I'm in Ohio. We met at school in Ohio (he decided to branch out a bit for school, and I... didn't) but he was suspended for his terrible grades at the end of our sophomore year. He moved back to California to live with his parents and is considering culinary school.

                  Not the greatest story ever, hahaha, but its true.


                    We haven't graduated high school yet. (Only 1 more semester though! )

                    That, and as soon as we're out of high school he'll be going into the military; Army to be specific. So to be honest, when we end the distance, it wont be permanent. There could be years of separation after we "end the distance".

                    But he's worth it, I couldn't ask for more from a man. I'm willing to go through every hardship the military can throw at us, if it means being in his arms forever.


                      My SO is in the Army, I'm in grad school so neither of us can relocate right now. Once I'm finished with my master's I'm hoping to move where ever he is stationed.


                        We meet online, he lives in England and I'm in Australia. We both have our own lives, he has a son and I'm hopefully starting uni next yeah. For the moment life is too complicated to end the distance.
                        Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


                          We met online only just over a year ago. I would love to end the distance and spend time together (as in CD) and then move in together and then get engaged and married, but that route isn't really an option for us. We have to go backwards. We have to get engaged and married and THEN move in together and then spend time together CD. I don't feel ready to be married yet. I'm young and a little scared about marriage, I haven't personally witnessed a lot of success stories. So we're waiting a couple years. We're going to explore all our options and just be a couple for a while before we jump into a fiance visa.


                          Sucky excuses considering all the heartache.
                          First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



                            We met in London as we were studying english in the same school.
                            So now I'm back to Switzerland, and she's back to Colombia...


                              We met online. He's still in high school so we're waiting till he completes high school before closing the distance.

                              First Met Online: May 08
                              Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                              First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                              Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                              Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13

