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What is the reason for the distance?

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    We met while I was studying abroad in his city. I had to go back to finish me degree, it was supposed to be 1,5 years only and I was planning on moving back there this summer to work for a year and then start my master's degree. We've had to change our plans, though. Due to my uni's organisation it's taking me a semester longer to get my bachelor (I'm so effing pissed!!) and I got a really good job offer here, so I might start my master's here after all.
    I'm trying to find reasons/convince my prof's, though so that I can do half of my degree in my bf's city, so I can move in with him sooner.

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


      We're LD because I moved for college. He was supposed to join the military and thats why I was going to move away for college. He changed his mind last minute so now I live in Portland,Oregon going to school and he's in San Diego,California going to school as well. We will hopefully close the distance when I graduate in January of 2012.



        He lives in Florida while I live in Louisiana. Neither of us are financially stable enough to support the other and right now he's the only one with income, which with Orlando being an expensive place to live, eats his funds. I'm trying to end the distance faster by having a job and saving up, but that's not turning out too well.


          We met while I was traveling in Japan, so we knew it would be long distance right away. Which is why we didn't want to start dating in the first place. And as things are now... I have to finish my education before I can move anywhere.


            I met him in his country. Then I came back to mine.


              a really big body of water called the ocean lol and the fact that i live in America and she lives in the UK thats why the distance with us


                My boyfriend had to move back home (2 hrs away) in order to pay off all his debt. He finally got a good job last month so hopefully in November or December we will be ending the distance.


                  My man wanted to go travel the world.. it's as simple as that.

                  Preparations for his journey to South Africa and Australia were already set in motion when I fell for him, so I knew what I was getting into.. Plus, I'm very familiar with the urge to travel (I went to New Zealand alone for a year in '08-'09) so I was (- and still am) 100% supportive..
                  The original plan for him was to go traveling alone for 9 months... buuuuuuut, we quickly changed that to "only" 6 months apart and 3½ months of backpacking together..

                  So, right now our plan is for me to fly out to him in Sydney in mid-March, then travel New Zealand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia together.

                  So: I'm RIDICULOUSLY excited.
                  I get to see my guy (♥), revisit beautiful NZ AND experience Asia... all in one go.

                  Can't WAIT!!!!!


                    Brian and I are LD because we're both still underage, and I'm still in highschool. we're both attending the same college, so we plan to close the distance then.


                      The reason for our distance is because he transferred schools. He went to a technical college for 2 years and then he moved on to a university this past fall. We're still fairly new to the long distance but we make it work

                      Madly in love with Michael


                        We live in two different states


                          Originally posted by ErinKristine View Post
                          My SO is in the Army, I'm in grad school so neither of us can relocate right now. Once I'm finished with my master's I'm hoping to move where ever he is stationed.
                          I'm surprised that you're the only person that has someone in the military, I would have thought there were more people on here in military relationships..



                            I met my SO on vacation, so we were always long distance. Right now it's mostly our kids that keep us from moving. His son is almost 16, and he wants him to finsh high school there before he goes anywhere, and I just bought a house here earlier this year so I'm not ready to give that up just yet, plus my son is very close to my family and I know it would be hard to leave.


                              We're both still in Secondary School, living with Parents, and age. I mean, I'm 16 and he's 15.. We're both just too young to move out I think.. But I want to go to College near him and I only have a year and a half left so.. =]
                              Although this distance breaks my heart,
                              And it's unbearable when we're apart,
                              I know that it will all be fine,
                              As my heart is yours,
                              And yours is mine.. <3


                                We started out long distance, and the thing holding us back right now from closing the distance is money, and him having a steady job. Once we have those secured, I'm moving over.

                                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

