My heart is in the Army and is currently stationed in South Korea
He comes back in just about 2.5 months, though!!! We met two months ago through a chance card exchange via a soldier support web site. I joined a card writing team and saw a request from his sister for an encouragement card because he was having a rough go of it. Something compelled me to send something, so I had some of my students sign a thank you card and included a personal note and sent it off. I found myself thinking of this person after I sent it off, hoping it would make them feel better (and praying that the post offic actually got it there, haha). Then I get a thank you email from him and WHAMMO it was the instant lightening you feel when two soul mates meet. We knew from the first week that it was fate and that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. Now I count the slow moving days until he returns to the states so we can be together. We will have to be LDR for another few months after that because he will be stationed at least 4-5 hours away (but that's doable for weekends) and I can't move to be with him until the summer because of my job. We're planning (so everyone keep their fingers crossed) for a summer wedding and then we won't have to worry about being LDR again (unless he's deployed, so please pray that all our troops come home ASAP).
