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What is the reason for the distance?

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    My heart is in the Army and is currently stationed in South Korea He comes back in just about 2.5 months, though!!! We met two months ago through a chance card exchange via a soldier support web site. I joined a card writing team and saw a request from his sister for an encouragement card because he was having a rough go of it. Something compelled me to send something, so I had some of my students sign a thank you card and included a personal note and sent it off. I found myself thinking of this person after I sent it off, hoping it would make them feel better (and praying that the post offic actually got it there, haha). Then I get a thank you email from him and WHAMMO it was the instant lightening you feel when two soul mates meet. We knew from the first week that it was fate and that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. Now I count the slow moving days until he returns to the states so we can be together. We will have to be LDR for another few months after that because he will be stationed at least 4-5 hours away (but that's doable for weekends) and I can't move to be with him until the summer because of my job. We're planning (so everyone keep their fingers crossed) for a summer wedding and then we won't have to worry about being LDR again (unless he's deployed, so please pray that all our troops come home ASAP).


      Me and my SO have been friends for almost 8 years dating 14 months and He is the love of my life! He received a Job offer in Pittsburgh and I'm here in Ohio. When he first started looking at other jobs we always said we'd go together- so for a few months it'll be a LDR then we'll live together! Somehow the days feel longer without him! and I miss him sooooo terribly. I joined to have support because I didn't take to the transition at ALL. I have to admit it's made us stronger!!! and our communication is 100 X better.


        I met him in Ireland (he's Irish) and I live in Boston.


          We met online and he's English and lived in England, I'm Finnish and I lived in Finland Simple as that


            we met online. he's in the navy and i don't have the money to close the distance right now. even if he weren't in the navy, we live on opposite sides of the state. and texas is freakin big. :/


              I met my SO while I was a freshman in high school and he was a senior. We didn't get together till my junior year, this year. He's currently serving in the US Navy and will be for the next 4 years. Glad to say I'll be seeing him in March but then he goes on a 6 month deployment


                We met online. But tomorrow there will be no reason for the distance. Hell, there won't be any distance at all.


                  We met the last month of summer and were dating a week later, we had a great 3 weeks before school separated us. Now he's graduated and I'm still a freshman so I have to go back while he stays at home. He's planning to come get his bachelors in my 3rd year so we can graduate together


                    We're both in the Air Force, but we aren't married. The Air Force is pretty good about keeping families together, so if we ever were to get married in the future, one of us could apply to move to the other's base and it's almost guaranteed that the request would be approved. But for now, we're just dating, so it would be very difficult for one of us to switch bases right now. I'm currently stationed in Japan and he's stationed in Missouri. I know if we can make it work for at least six months apart, then we're good for each other, because even if we get married one of us could be deployed at any moment and we'll have to be apart again for six months. If we can handle this, we'll know we can handle deployment: and that knowledge helps make us feel a little better about this.


                      My story is such a long one.

                      We are CD for the majority of the year but then LDR when he goes back to South Africa to visit his family.

                      He is a professional motorbike racer and originally comes from South Africa. He raced in the World Series where a British scout spotted him and invited him over to race in a British team. That was 2004. And he has been racing here ever since. I met him in 2006 at the races. I fell in love with his determination and his bravery. (90mph racing with no brakes on a oval track - speedway). His professionalism blew me away.

                      Anyway the season runs from March - November. So he usually visits his family in South Africa during the off season months. However this year we decided we needed to save money for our house and couldnt be apart for that long anymore. So the plan was for him to go back just before Christmas and come back here to the UK mid feb. However in May he crashed and broke his back and then in August someone wiped him out racing and he shattered his collarbone. The UK docs wouldnt do any surgery on his collarbone because its risky with all the nerves and everything. And after 2 months it showed no sign of healing at all. So we had to make the decision for him to go back to South Africa and have it done privately on his parents insurance. Therefore he is away for 4 months altogether. (When we booked the flight we took into consideration the 12 week period it takes to heal and then additional 3 weeks in case of delay).

                      Anyway it has been 7 weeks since he left and 2 months to this day until he arrives back :-) And then this year we will be CD all the way through as we are planning on visiting his family together but just for 2 months with us getting a house =)

                      Story finished ha ha, or should I say essay! Hee Hee.

