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Communication: What do you do when the internet is down?

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    Communication: What do you do when the internet is down?

    Hello! I was wondering what you guys do when the internet is down?
    Mine was acting up yesterday, and so was the boy's so we couldn't have a conversation...and I'd not heard from him the day before due to skype being down...

    Darn. And it's Christmas too!

    Can you text or ring each other?


      Unfortunatly not~ He doesn't have a cellphone, and I don't know the number of sister's house (christmas trip with the family).
      Hopefully he'll call tomorrow or something!


        If you have a cell phone, you could try to text his e-mail address...when one of us doesn't have our phone sometimes we e-mail text each other. Then at least he can get it whenever his internet works


          We text. It's really frustrating but it happens all the time so we've learned just to deal with it. Usually I leave for a bit, maybe get something to eat, and then try to find something else productive to keep my mind off it so I don't freak out, like cleaning or playing a video game.


            We call. His internet sucks too much for video calling(so it ends up being video+instant messaging, actually. But in a way that's good, because the parents won't know, hohoho), and calling is the cheapest option to China at .13 a minute.


              This never happened yet, but I'd probably go to McDonald's, where the Wireless is free
              And I still have my iPhone, which I can connect via 3G


                Text and call each other on the cellphones (but I do all of this with my ex)

                Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                  My boyfriend has a skype plan that he can call my landline with, so he'll do that if my internet is down (which happens quite frequently - you get what you pay for and I don't pay for my internet at all... so yeah). If his internet is down (has never happened before, though) or he is somewhere with no access to the internetz he uses this Calling Cards that you can use from your phone. They're only slighty more expensive than skype.

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                    I try to call her.


                      With me and my SO the internet is always messed up so we just deal with it, if its down its down nothing he can do about it where he is, so i normally just shoot him an e-mail saying whatever i wanted to say, and wait for a cell phones where he is haha


                        Hasn't really happened yet but I'd just txt. Luckily I can call or txt because we're both in the US.


                          If we're having difficulties with internet connection or skype (which happens quite a lot because his internet connection in China isn't the best) we just deal with it. It's kinda like those are our "personal" days. And if it's a few days that we just can't communicate over skype, then we will send each other emails, because each one of us can read the email when it's easiest for us. Also, my email address that he emails me at is my blackberry email so it's almost like I get a text from him even though it's actually an email.



                            haha I like the 'persona days' idea! We just seem to have horrid luck with his place on the east coast the internet cuts out randomly, or keeps the call quality really low. He's at his sister's at the moment with brilliant internet, but for some reason mine has decided to cut out once and a while now~ darn.
                            we'll just bully through this, i guess!


                              Originally posted by Cucaratcha View Post
                              but I'd probably go to McDonald's, where the Wireless is free

                              I've done that too!!! hahaha Thanks goodness for McDonald's wi-fi!

