Well it wasn't really a fight. More of a disagreement. We had decided that as soon as he gets this loan from the bank, he's going to quit his job and move here for a few months. (he was supposed to get the loan 2 weeks ago, now they're saying first week of Jan) I've been so excited and have started to get my apartment ready, filling out forms, everything. Then yesterday we somehow ended up in this conversation about how he didn't know if he wanted to leave because his job really needs him right now.
This somehow degraded into a conversation where I felt really hurt. He called me and left the most sorrowful message I have ever heard. He was soooo sorry he made me feel bad and told me of course he wants to move in and that he would quit as soon as he gets the money. It broke my heart to listen to him.
I called him later that night and we both apologized and we're fine. But I still feel so bad! What sucks the most is that we usually talk on skype/gmail chat because we're international and he's at the beach for the weekend with NO INTERNET.
So now I can't talk with him until Monday
(well maybe a few short phone calls) I'm so bummed and I feel like I need to make it up to him.
Fighting LD sucks cuz there's no make up sex
This somehow degraded into a conversation where I felt really hurt. He called me and left the most sorrowful message I have ever heard. He was soooo sorry he made me feel bad and told me of course he wants to move in and that he would quit as soon as he gets the money. It broke my heart to listen to him.
I called him later that night and we both apologized and we're fine. But I still feel so bad! What sucks the most is that we usually talk on skype/gmail chat because we're international and he's at the beach for the weekend with NO INTERNET.

Fighting LD sucks cuz there's no make up sex
