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Had our first "fight"

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    Had our first "fight"

    Well it wasn't really a fight. More of a disagreement. We had decided that as soon as he gets this loan from the bank, he's going to quit his job and move here for a few months. (he was supposed to get the loan 2 weeks ago, now they're saying first week of Jan) I've been so excited and have started to get my apartment ready, filling out forms, everything. Then yesterday we somehow ended up in this conversation about how he didn't know if he wanted to leave because his job really needs him right now.

    This somehow degraded into a conversation where I felt really hurt. He called me and left the most sorrowful message I have ever heard. He was soooo sorry he made me feel bad and told me of course he wants to move in and that he would quit as soon as he gets the money. It broke my heart to listen to him.

    I called him later that night and we both apologized and we're fine. But I still feel so bad! What sucks the most is that we usually talk on skype/gmail chat because we're international and he's at the beach for the weekend with NO INTERNET. So now I can't talk with him until Monday (well maybe a few short phone calls) I'm so bummed and I feel like I need to make it up to him.

    Fighting LD sucks cuz there's no make up sex

    i am sorry. I know fighting LDR is way worse. But it seems like you guys made up the best that you can in an LDR.


      Everything's gonna be alright as you both apologize... I know how creepy it is just after a fight to not have the possibility to talk as much as you'd like to... particularly at this time, you want to speak even more to be sure everything's fine, and to show him/her that it's ok... I know this feeling. But be patient, it will be alright


        I've been in lots of fights before in LD.
        Well not lots, but a couple that were pretty serious.
        I know what you mean though, it does suck that you can't make up like that. You have to look at the positives--you both apologized and you're back on track. I know you need that reassurance and just to 'talk' to make sure that everything is good and you're ever more in love with each other. If he has no internet..maybe you could write him a email or something like that? Or you could write him a letter if you want to make it up to him. (But I'm sure if he's moving in soon, that you'll have plenty of time to make it up )
        But with any time distance where there is no internet not as much connection, and especially if you feel like you're more in love with him after the fight (that's what it feels like to me anyways, after I get over my fights with my SO)
        Just remember that everything IS going to be okay, and you just need to wait a few more days to actually sit down and talk to him about it and make up however you guys are going to make up.
        But don't feel bad! It takes two people to fight, not one.
        I'm sorry if I'm all over the place with this..too many thoughts at one moment, haha.
        Just remember: Everything's okay! He could be going to the beach while you guys are still fighting..see! You got over it BEFORE. That is GOOD.


          Everything will be ok... I know how you feel....and I know how that panic is afterwards....It will all be worth it! ((((Hugs)))
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

