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    Ooohhh XD Ok friend Roberta who is also on this website...her boyfriend found it. Her boyfriend is my boyfriends twin brother XD So Martin sent me the website because his brother and his brothers girlfriend (Roberta) found it. :P...Phew *wipes sweat*


      Originally posted by Michelle View Post
      Yay For the past couple days I have been searching for people who are in LDRs on Twitter. Hopefully I can find us some more great members that way!
      Ahh! Michelle is a Twitter stalker! Lol, just teasing. Thank you to you and Frank for the great site.

      I found LFAD with...Yahoo!. Sorry, not much of a googler. I searched either 'long distance relationships' or 'how to make long distance relationships work' and LFAD came up as one of the top ones. I will always be glad I found this place with all you great people.




          My SO googled about games we could play online, such as poker f.e.... and by that he found this site. :>


            i googled long distance relationships and this wonderful site popped up!


              I think my SO was googling long distance relationships and somehow ended up on this site. She then gave me the link and said I should sign up for the forum too!


                A little after a failed meeting attempt in May, my SO became depressed because it had been his job that had kept us from meeting and he felt his absence was putting a strain on the relationship. I honestly felt no strain and thought maybe I was blind to something so I googled 'how to know when your relationship is strained'. One of the results was the LFAD website and I spent several days pawing through everything before finding there was a forum and I joined since I honestly needed the support and I figured the people here would know what to do and how to tell me if there was something wrong.


                  One of my Facebook friends became a fan of the Loving From a Distance Facebook page. I wasn't even looking for something like this.
                  Kimberly J


                    Found it on google when i was trying to search for tips on LDR's


                      Entered "long distance relationship forum" in yahoo and this was like the second or so result


                        Found it through Google while searching for information on LDRs.


                          haha I found it on Google I believe I was just looking up "Long Distance Relationships" or something along those lines. Didn't know there was a member area until later on though
                          [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


                            I needed some advice and the forums i was usually at that time at was not very good in giving me advice. So i tried to find some LDR specific forums and did find a few and registred at them. But non of the other forums was either active or not or helpful enough so i kept to this place


                              My boyfriend found it when he was trying to convince me that long distance could work, despite being on opposite sides of the world. He encouraged me to have a look, and we both became members. We began sorting through the list of things to do and used some of the gift ideas and everything. I've not looked back.



