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What's the most difficult thing in your LDR ?

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    Housing market.

    Sounds simple right?


    Unless his house sells he can't move.

    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      Originally posted by Yorkshire Girl View Post
      If I could change one thing it would be that time goes so much faster when we are apart. Time seems to standstill sometimes, which may be down to the fact I am constabtly checking the time to assess how fast time is actually going. I just cannot wait for him to come home in 8 weeks time. This is the last time we are apart for so long, because next December we are visitting his family together, Him for a couple of months and Ill join him for a month. So 1 month apart out of the whole year is worth waiting these next 8 weeks for.

      Communication is complex. He has no access to internet or a landline. So i cant Skype, Facebook, email him. He used to have internet but they moved and now they dont have it or a landline. They all just use there mobiles. Its expensive to call his mobile so we usually speak once a week and text message morning and night.

      But I love him, and these things are just minor obstacles which we have already overcome with routine.
      If you haven't seen my other topics, I hope they can help you for your communication problem :!


        - The obvious one: The lack of physical contact! (..and no, I'm not talking about that kind of physical contact ............. not that I would turn down an offer, though, ha!)

        After my BF moved into an actual apartment about 3-ish weeks ago, our LDR has become somewhat of a "luxury"-LDR, meaning that we went from exchanging 1-2 daily texts + 1-2 weekly skype dates taking place somewhere public --- to a private apartment with unlimited internet access. un-li-mi-ted....
        So, now, I get to chat with him for hours every day despite the 10 hour time difference, and we both get to fall asleep on webcam with the other online, watching a movie or cooking. I absolutely love it.. I can close my eyes and almost pretend that he's here...
        Unfortunately, the more I get to see him, the more I'm reminded of what it feels like to give him a kiss in the morning, cuddle up on the couch with a movie or walk through the mall hand in hand.. sigh.
        I feel spoiled


          Lack of physical contact and visits



            "Together forever but never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart!"

            Met: 9.15.08
            Started Dating: 10.17.08
            Been an LDR since: 10.17.08
            First time meeting: 5.28.09 - 6.2.09


              I would have to say the uncertainty of when he'll be home for good. When he left, it was 6 months to a year that he would be in China. Now it's at least a year and a half and even then he doesn't know if he's going to have made enough money to come home. That is the one thing that I get irritated with, and there are times that I voice my irritation with him which in turn makes him upset, and yet it never really gets solved because he just doesn't know. It's irritating to me also when my friends ask me "when is Belvy coming home?" and I have to tell them "i don't know, he doesn't even know." It honestly could be anywhere from next August to 3 years from now. All I want is for him to come home, and yet neither of us knows when that will be.



                For us it's our schedules, sometimes he has to work over time and it's hard to get a hold of him but he'll always text me to say he has to work longer but still I miss him.


                  How loooooooooooooong it'll be until we're together full time.
                  Another year and 5 months :/


                    The fact that it will take me 3 years to finish my university and money


                      Scheduling is my issue as well. My SO works night shift as a dealer at a casino and I'm in classes during the day. Scheduling in time to have real conversations is nearly impossible. I miss our phone calls that used to last for hours. :-/


                        It's funny.. People always assume the big things are the hardest (ie: holidays, V-day, birthdays. etc.) but they're not. It's the small things I miss the most, like cooking dinner, going to the mall, checking out a new movie, cuddling & falling asleep together. The day to day mundane tasks that people take for granted are the things I really miss. Oh and nights are definitely the hardest.


                          Originally posted by Butterfly View Post
                          It's funny.. People always assume the big things are the hardest (ie: holidays, V-day, birthdays. etc.) but they're not. It's the small things I miss the most, like cooking dinner, going to the mall, checking out a new movie, cuddling & falling asleep together. The day to day mundane tasks that people take for granted are the things I really miss. Oh and nights are definitely the hardest.
                          No, I think I will have to agree with you on this one. Its the little things I miss the most, and the little things I'm going to look forward to the most on this visit. We only ever really did little things-just about 2-3 big adventures to our name in the month we were together. I'm really looking forward to just BEING around him, and there are so many things like cooking together, movies, that we havent' really done yet. I want to feel his hand in mine, and be able to reach out and hug him if I wanted to. He's not usually one to show he needs a hug, but it was so hard today vid chatting when it really seemed like he did and I...wanted to reach out so badly but cant.


                            What makes it hard for me is that my family is in a really bad tough spot and it hurts cause hes not there to hold me when i want to just cry nonstop... Also my friends arent much of a support so it also hurts cause you dont have someone on the side to tell you how much they think he loves you or anything.. And sometimes the time difference can be an issue even though 3hours isnt that big of a gap..

