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I leave in 9hrs...

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    I leave in 9hrs...

    To go back to the states. I've been in Norway visiting my boyfriend since Nov 30th. It's been a great, amazing time... Just all the horrible feelings of leaving each other, getting home, going to sleep without him etc. are flooding back. I hate reliving it over and over... I constantly picture the 'other' times and it just kills me. Doesn't help that I have a vivid imagination. So, once I get on track, thinking of something, it's hard for me to stop until I complete the thought. I can barely think straight. So very hard to be positive today...

    A picture from New Years: the day we met (online)

    Very cute picture, thank you for sharing I know it's hard to leave your SO but try to stay positive! Try to think about the great time you had and how great of a time you'll have the next time you see one another. Best of luck!


      I love the picture - I hope you're able to enjoy at least a few more hours with your SO. Lots of hugs, lots of kisses and love, and we'll be here for you when you get back for support. *hugs*

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        What a horrible trip home.
        My flight got delayed for 13hrs in Norway. I couldn't get it changed to fly out the next day so I was stuck in the same country and not able to spend any more time with him. My phone didn't work so I ended up paying too much money using pay phones.

        Laid over a night in Amsterdam, which would have been all good if it didn't set my travel back a day +2hrs.
        I got to Detroit then back to Kansas City, where I found out my luggage was lost. I didn't get home until 6pm on Thursday.

        I had to then turn around an work at 5am (5am-530pm, 12hr shifts) all weekend.

        Needless to say my week was far from great ugh.

