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How do you go on?

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    How do you go on?

    Im in those rough situations where you just want to stay in bed all day and cuddle up with your SO`s tshirt. Last friday it started being worse with me being so extremly sensitive.
    I cant help I could cry all the time when I think about my boyfriend.
    Yesterday we wanted to talk on the phone but it was nearly impossible for me since I was hurting so bad and like I said, I started to cry all the time.
    We delayed the phone talk to this week someday or next saturday because of the time difference.
    Last night when I went to bed, I looked at the pictures of my boyfriend which were in the box I have gotten for xmas.
    It made me so sad, looking at his face and knowing I cant touch it or speak to my boyfriend in person.
    I was lying awake for several hours. Trying to sleep whilst crying my eyes out. After that I calmed down a little and almost fell asleep but then I couldnt breath properly and that made me stay awake for another couple hours. It felt like something really tried to stop me from breathing and I was afraid I couldnt get enough air anymore.
    This morning I was really happy to be alive since I really did thought I wont make it. I know that sounds strange and like a story but it really happend like this and I dont know if it was because I worry so much and dont know how to go on from situations like this!?
    Did anyone experience something like this? How do you cheer yourselfs up when you are feeling like the worst?

    I know my boyfriend cant do anything and he also knows that and feels sort of useless since he cant do something for me except writing messages.

    Does anyone has an idea how to feel better?

    That breathing incident sounds like an anxiety attack of sorts.

    I've felt this way many times. Do you have a diary or blog you could write these feelings in? Sometimes just writing out your unhappiness takes some of it away. Also, don't be afraid to cry as crying can actually relieve some of the pain. If you're missing him terribly you could try writing him letters regardless of whether you send them or not about it and how much you love him. It also helps to have someone to confide in like a friend or even a counselor. Situational depression, aka depression with a reason behind it, can be just as bad as clinical depression that needs medication. Maybe try treating yourself to some 'you' time like bubble baths, doing your nails, etc. It will pass, I promise, you just have to hold on and know that the distance is a temporary thing and that there's a guy out there that loves you very much even though he can't hold you when you're hurting like this.


      I have felt that way several times.
      It comes and goes and make me very sad.
      The only thing that've helped me is time. With time it gets a bit and bit easier.
      I usually also like to work on something for my SO. Could be writing a letter or fixing a box with stuff to send.


        Do you have a diary or blog you could write these feelings in? Sometimes just writing out your unhappiness takes some of it away. Also, don't be afraid to cry as crying can actually relieve some of the pain. If you're missing him terribly you could try writing him letters regardless of whether you send them or not about it and how much you love him.
        I do write him letters quite often. He got my fist letter at the airport when we said our goodbyes in March 2010 and I carried on with writing because I felt its something good for me to do this.
        I made a website and I post there pictures of my current life without him and also I wrote some things.
        I also do have a little beautiful notebook which is kind of my secret book. I started it after a couple of months being back home and I had the idea to write my feelings in there. I promised myself and also wrote it into the book like a introduction, no matter how this will "end" I will give him this book. If it will work out for us or not.


          With time it gets a bit and bit easier.
          I honestly thought it would get easier after a long time being apart but for me it doesnt.
          There are some times where it isnt that hard and where you have enough energy to keep yourself cheered up but thats rare. I still have to fight against the tears at nighttime almost every night.


            For me, I just have to take everyday as it comes. I can't focus on when we will be ending the distance because it's going to be while yet and that depresses me. In fact, I try not to focus too much on the distance aspect of our relationship at all. It's just too overwhelming. I let myself cry when I have to over it, but I never let myself get hysterical because I always tell myself I have to be strong for myself as well as him. It also helps me to try and stay busy since we don't see each other nearly as often as we did when we were cd. It's hard, but I do find after you adjust to the idea and find a way to handle it, it does get a little easier, though it's always worse after a visit and you have to leave.


              I got like that right before Christmas, what helped me was actually calling my mom and talking to her about it. If you have anyone else you can call, friends, family, then do it, because it will help alot even if you don't think it will.


                Music -upbeat music and housework. I hate housework but I hate feeling that way worse!


                  I had this really bad after I arrived home from staying with him. We'd just got used to being together and then I had to leave him again. Every little thing made me cry and I was in constant physical pain because of missing him so much. That was mid-October and its easier to deal with now. I get through the days by focusing on all the things I need to get done. I'm a solo mum with several part time jobs, so I have a lot of things to do that keep me really busy. We time meeting online so that its in the evening, and that way I'm not sitting around in the evenings moping - I'm getting to talk to him instead. Have you got another trip to see each other planned? He's moving over here by April so I'm getting through the time by focusing on that, and before my trip to stay with him I got through the days my looking forward to that - the "light at the end of the tunnel" thing. Above all, looking after yourself is the best thing. I find that when I'm low, all I feel like doing is getting in to my pyjamas and having some toast and a nice hot cuppa. Little luxuries like that can really help.


                    Have you got another trip to see each other planned?
                    Unfortunatly not. Due to my temprary work position to the end of March 2011 I do not have holidays.
                    I had holidays over christmas but we couldnt meet each other over the holiday.
                    We planned to get reunited in Australia around April but I dont know how to organise everything myself since my parents are completly against it!!??!
                    Im kind of lost.


                      When i feel down, i will try to move my thoughts to other things..Like making myself busy, talk to someone ,blog or anything that will make me think about other things..when i blog normally i will blog about happy things and i avoid to write about something that make me sad.. Cry also helps, but i dont like crying coz it make my heart hurts..and when i cry the more i think about the sad things..I also will tell myself something positive like "all is well, all is well"..or "everything gonna be okay".."im a strong and positive person"..Thats how i go through it..I have a strong mind..If i think positive i can be the most positive person but if i think negative i will be the most negative person..:-S

