After waking up to a horrible headache I began my slow journey through today. It's been a mix of happy and sad. My girlfriend went to a dinner with her friends so for the second day in a row I've been basically left alone. After taking tylenol I felt somewhat better, but it wasn't until 6pm I felt strong enough to start with my math homework that would end up taking two hours to get through. After that I waited for my girlfriend to get home so we would be able to talk. All day I'd been getting more and more frustrated thanks to my headache, but I waited patiently for her to get home. When she did she started writing on an OP which she have to read for her class on tuesday. She wanted me to read the draft while she got ready. The OP was about that dinner and how she and her friends had been talking about going to Europe for a trip summer next year. That made my emotions flush out, all the frustration my headache had piled up was unleashed and I started crying. I'm still in the process of adjusting to life here after 5 months. I've been looking at my bankaccount and stated that my money is running short and been worrying about the next loan and when that would come.
I gave my entire life for her and to be able to live here. The only reason I'm studying right now is because of my girlfriend. This came with prices though. I'm extremely paranoid thanks to a few mistakes she made when I was in the middle of moving here. I have a hard time when she's with guys. Fortunately she don't have any guy friends and has been telling me several times that she doesn't need any. She's promied me countless of times that she would do anything for me, just like I did for her. Well until tonight.
I still don't have any friends here, well except for my girlfriend. That has made me very sensitive when it comes to how much time she spends on her friends. I don't have any problems with the fact that she spends time with her friends, I just want to be informed ahead. She also got a tendency to forget plans we've made when she's making plans with her friends and then it's me who have to forget my plans. That part makes me a bit cranky as well as her constant tendency to disappoint me rather then her friends. When she's with her friends I can't call her or text her. She won't reply. When she's with me she almost tries to hide the fact that she sees me at all and jump on txting back if her friends txt her.
Now the prospect of spending a month alone in a country I moved to just for her while she runs of with her friends is not one that I enjoy very much. Even if it's almost a year ahead I can't help thinking about it in my current state of mind. I of course got very sad that she had forgotten all about me when she made that plan and told her that that made me very sad. She in turn got mad at me for not understanding that she wants to go on that trip. She further said that she is tired of being restricted by me and that everything she does seem to upset me in any form or way. Now I have a few reasons to get upset. She didn't tell me about the dinner plans until the very night before. Once again she also skipped a whole day of homework to hang out with her friends, something that would be impossible to do for me. Also I got upset today thanks to the previously mentioned headache.
She further claimed that she needed guy friends all of a sudden. That she thought they are cool and stuff. All that just broke my heart to very small pieces. Just a few days earlier she had a dinner with her friends and a guy which had had a crush on her earlier, which she knew about for a long time but refused to tell him that she was "taken", which I decided I would be strong through and stop being paranoid and be happy for her. So I did and worked hard and was happy for her. But now it felt that the challenges was piling up way too fast. It was too stressful.
She said she was sorry that she wanted to have a life and that I didn't understand how it was and why she wanted to be with her friends. I immediately responded that no I don't because I gave up all my friends and family for her. To which she replies that yeah but in the end that was your decision. I asked her if she remembered all the times she said that she would do anything for me and us. She said that she didn't know it would mean that she had to restrict herself that much.
Overall this day sucked. The words she said and the harshness in her tone made me fall to pieces. It was so unlike her to be this mean and selfish. I understand if I'm too restricting or that I always seem to have something to complain on but I go through alot of crap everyday just for her. I try to change but I have so much challenging me all the time.
I also asked her earlier today why she was more eager to disappoint me then her friends. To which she replied that it was because she knew I would love her no matter what. Then I asked who she loved the most in the whole world, and what meant most to her, her friends or me. To both she said "you". The question that followed was "Why do you treat the one you love and means most to you like that?" to which I still haven't gotten an answer.
I gave my entire life for her and to be able to live here. The only reason I'm studying right now is because of my girlfriend. This came with prices though. I'm extremely paranoid thanks to a few mistakes she made when I was in the middle of moving here. I have a hard time when she's with guys. Fortunately she don't have any guy friends and has been telling me several times that she doesn't need any. She's promied me countless of times that she would do anything for me, just like I did for her. Well until tonight.
I still don't have any friends here, well except for my girlfriend. That has made me very sensitive when it comes to how much time she spends on her friends. I don't have any problems with the fact that she spends time with her friends, I just want to be informed ahead. She also got a tendency to forget plans we've made when she's making plans with her friends and then it's me who have to forget my plans. That part makes me a bit cranky as well as her constant tendency to disappoint me rather then her friends. When she's with her friends I can't call her or text her. She won't reply. When she's with me she almost tries to hide the fact that she sees me at all and jump on txting back if her friends txt her.
Now the prospect of spending a month alone in a country I moved to just for her while she runs of with her friends is not one that I enjoy very much. Even if it's almost a year ahead I can't help thinking about it in my current state of mind. I of course got very sad that she had forgotten all about me when she made that plan and told her that that made me very sad. She in turn got mad at me for not understanding that she wants to go on that trip. She further said that she is tired of being restricted by me and that everything she does seem to upset me in any form or way. Now I have a few reasons to get upset. She didn't tell me about the dinner plans until the very night before. Once again she also skipped a whole day of homework to hang out with her friends, something that would be impossible to do for me. Also I got upset today thanks to the previously mentioned headache.
She further claimed that she needed guy friends all of a sudden. That she thought they are cool and stuff. All that just broke my heart to very small pieces. Just a few days earlier she had a dinner with her friends and a guy which had had a crush on her earlier, which she knew about for a long time but refused to tell him that she was "taken", which I decided I would be strong through and stop being paranoid and be happy for her. So I did and worked hard and was happy for her. But now it felt that the challenges was piling up way too fast. It was too stressful.
She said she was sorry that she wanted to have a life and that I didn't understand how it was and why she wanted to be with her friends. I immediately responded that no I don't because I gave up all my friends and family for her. To which she replies that yeah but in the end that was your decision. I asked her if she remembered all the times she said that she would do anything for me and us. She said that she didn't know it would mean that she had to restrict herself that much.
Overall this day sucked. The words she said and the harshness in her tone made me fall to pieces. It was so unlike her to be this mean and selfish. I understand if I'm too restricting or that I always seem to have something to complain on but I go through alot of crap everyday just for her. I try to change but I have so much challenging me all the time.
I also asked her earlier today why she was more eager to disappoint me then her friends. To which she replied that it was because she knew I would love her no matter what. Then I asked who she loved the most in the whole world, and what meant most to her, her friends or me. To both she said "you". The question that followed was "Why do you treat the one you love and means most to you like that?" to which I still haven't gotten an answer.