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SO dreams?

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    I actually had a really strange dream about my SO a few weeks ago. I was at a concert, my SO was there too. Then the whole concert stopped as a line of men in military uniforms came marching through the crowds. The man in front was holding a helmet, and he walked directly up to me, and without saying a word he handed me the helmet. I looked down at it, and it had my SO's last name on it. I somehow knew that these men wanted me to follow them with the helmet. So I followed them up on stage and they motioned to a stand where they wanted me to place the helmet. As I did, I saw my SO in the audience. I woke up right after that. But in the dream it definitely felt funeral-esque. I havn't told my SO because obviously he's in the military, and even though he's going to be out soon there's a chance he might be deployed again. I don't want to scare him with that dream, but it's been really keeping me feeling uneasy. Ugh.


      mm, i rarely remember my dreams (lol insomnia) but i had at least two with him in it ne he was trying to creep me out while hugging me but i just laughed hysterically

      i day dream all the time though XD silly little things


        I've had a lot of dreams about my SO. The first dream I ever had involved us taking a walk on a golden sandy beach, right next to the water's edge, holding hands and swinging our arms back and forth. Things took an interesting twist after that

        Majority of dreams I've had about my SO have been good. I often see myself in the dreams with my arms wrapped round his neck kissing him, or holding him tightly and cuddling him, although I had one nightmare about him dying He often sees me in his dreams too, waiting for me at the airport and then me running into his arms when the plane's landed, walking on a beach alongside me too (he lives in a landlocked country so he's never been on a beach), kissing and holding me. He's seen me die in a few dreams though, even drown himself in the ocean without me to save him once. He gets a lot of nightmares and suffers from insomnia but I've tried to chase away the bad dreams for him xD Some of our dreams have been a little too x rated as well lol

        The most realistic dream I ever had made me truly believe he was holding me. In the dream I was kissing him, arms round him, and my body felt completely warm and almost like it was glowing. It felt like his embrace was wrapped around me....I'd been depressed before falling asleep and I'd passed out, so when I woke up from this dream and the warmth was still running through me, I felt much happier and the sadness swiftly passed.

        Since he goes to bed when I'm waking up, we stay in bed together and chat on skype using my iPad and his laptop, and we've been falling asleep together for the past week or so. It honestly feels like I've been falling asleep beside him <3 I've had good dreams every morning since, although they have been fairly strange in places!


          I have many kinds of dreams about my so, and he has of me too. the last one he told me is he dreamt we had 3 babies! triplets? lol

          I would love to have twins someday! but triplets may be a little too much! but if i had them im sure i would be really really happy as well! <3
          our story.


          02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

          "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


            I have had a few dreams of my SO. The first ones were just before I met her the first time. I saw a dream where I was late from our meeting, which then came to reality... My flight was delayed. But then yesterday I did saw two dreams again and they were just weird, heh. In the other one I was desperate to find her some halal food or vegetarian food from Finland but for some reason I didn't manage to find even the latter one. In the other dream we were in some sort of cruise and shopping. She just wanted to buy a lot of candy but failed to find her favourites. They had no logic but I'm glad I saw her in my dreams.

            Oh, and there was one more a couple of weeks ago... In the dream we were lying on my bed. We were just kissing and I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again she had disappeared. I bet Freud would get a lot signs from my dreams, hehe.
            "Everyone smiles in the same language."


              Originally posted by NaNi View Post
              Whenever I have a dream about my SO it's in a bad way. We either break up or one of us dies.

              I don't know why I only dream about such things, but my SO apparently has sweeter dreams involving the both of us.
              I'm like that too. I rarely dream about him but it's when I do it's always something upsetting. I generally have very upsetting dreams when we're together. Less so when we're apart. It doesn't really make sense as we always have the sweetest time when we're together. He tells me I often yelp in my sleep. I don't have the heart to tell him why.

              One time I dreamt we had a massive argument which lead up to breakup. The dream setting was so realistic I was really scared when I woke up because I had no idea if it really happened or not. It took me a few seconds to realise it was only a dream.

              Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                My SO always has dreams that I cheat on him. They usually happen when I go to coffee or something with a male friend of mine. He gets so worked up and worried that he has dreams about his fears. He knows I won't cheat on him. But he seems to check up on me more often when they happen.

                Poor kid


                  I've had many dreams about my SO. Most of the time good but alot of the time random or weird lol. Earliest dream I can remember was, me and him were together, and his siter knew of us and didn't like me at all and wanted to break us up. Weird part is he doesn't have a sister lol. But i've had other dreams where he's over there and i go to his online profile and its gone and im trying to get ahold of him and i can't or he says something that left me wondering and then suddenly doesn't come on. Those dreams arn't nice. And then sometimes i get lucky and have good dreams, but they always have a twist. Like a recent one, he came here again! he was visiting me, and we stayed in our own private hotel so we wouldn't get bothered by my family, and the dream was so sweet and amazing just being together and then i woke up and he was gone! I thought he just left me without saying goodbye, so i went home sad but found a letter, and it turns out it was from him so i take it and go walk to go inside to read it but there he was! He hadn't left yet he was just saying goodbye to my family first, so we go and sit in the back of the car while mom drives us to the airport so he can go home, and i woke up, that part was just so sad..... i dreamt this shorty after he left from his first visit. eh but yeah i dream and day dream alot about my SO.
                  I love you Nathan <3
                  5/25/09 <3


                    I don't dream about him a lot, but when I do there mostly good dreams thankfully. He's always telling me how he has dreams about us, but then he gets upset because I'm never with him like his dream told him when he wakes up : \ .. kind of upsetting. On the other hand, I day dream a lot. Sometimes the only way I can fall asleep is if I day dream .. or well night dream, whatever you wanna call it.


                      I've had two dreams with my SO in it up to now and both of them were mostly weird, but also sweet in a way. In the first one I dreamt I was in a lush garden of a very nice farm-like house and I spent some time with my SO and his family, talking about a pet - a hamster or a rabbit I think. Some very weird things were said and his dad was called Frank instead. The second dream was more about me and my SO, but I don't remember it too well because it was more ordinary. I'm the type who only remembers the weird ones... I daydream a lot about us, though. Mostly about what would be nice now or what it would be like seeing him next year.


                        Actually I dream about my SO all the time, so much that it's become normal now, and they really aren't odd it's just like us living together and doing normal things together. I love it

                        Met: 8.17.09
                        Started Dating: 8.20.09
                        First Met: 10.2.10
                        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                          I don't often have dreams centered on my SO, but he often makes random cameo appearances in a lot of them! Just the other night he popped up in the background as the owner of a thrift store I went into in my dream.
                          We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


                            I have had a ton of dreams about my SO. Both good and bad! I love the good ones.. and the bad ones, well.. they make me sad.
                            The feel so realistic too! I love that about the good ones. Almost feels like i can ACTUALLY feel his touch and kisses


                              Originally posted by XxMeg589xX View Post
                              I love that about the good ones. Almost feels like i can ACTUALLY feel his touch and kisses
                              That's the best! I don't have those too often, but I try my hardest NOT to wake up after them, urging myself back to sleep so I can have just a little bit more dream cuddle-time with him! I've made myself late for work a few times doing that
                              We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


                                In my dreams is where i had my first kiss with my SO. hahaha it felt very realistic, I love dreaming about her, whenever i do they're usually good dreams that make me happy. I had one last night that was pretty bad, but only because i was in a bad mood when i went to bed. Other than that incident I LOVE SLEEP DREAMING. If only i could lucid dream like other people. That would be the greatest .
                                My favorite text message conversation:

                                Tobby:love ko! what are you doing?
                                Nika:learning how to cook love ko.
                                Tobby:cooking? please put some in a plastic bag and send some to me so i can taste it! <3
                                Nika: weh? your silly! I'm learning how to cook so when we get married, I'll be cooking all your meals love ko. <3
                                Tobby:your so sweet.<3 marry me now? hahaha
                                Nika: We're still kids love ko, lets wait until we're more mature, but you know my answer will be yes, whenever you ask!
                                Tobby:I love you so much! You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as i need to love ko. love you!
                                Nika:I love you too! call me Nika Sy now.. hehe
                                Tobby: Addict!
                                Nika: Addicted! <3

