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Knight in shining armour, but not for me?

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    Knight in shining armour, but not for me?

    The past few days, other things have gotten in the way of us talking or talking for long, so I feel a bit off in general.

    Tomorrow will be our ten month anniversary. Again, wasn't expecting anything big (even a text would be nice), but it seems like he has forgotten totally. I have been wondering lately about him not discussing hanging out with his friends at all and then today, out of the blue, he said to me (in a tone that would suggest he knew he was letting me down by not necessarily calling, etc.) that he was going out to have dinner with G tomorrow. I guess that she had to put her long-time family pet (a dog) down around New Year's and, so, he thought that he "should check up on her."

    I am a person who completely loves animals and very much understand her sadness and think it is really gallant of him to be there for her. On the other hand, though, I find myself feeling increasingly sad that he didn't acknowledge at all that plans for any sort of anniversary talk or movie date or whatever should be made for another day or even apologize that he was bagging out on our anniversary. ...and, yes, old habits die hard with my jealousy issues over G, but I do feel like I have a reason to feel this way this time. You see, the summer before last was when my SO was all hot and cold and did some hurtful things (and I was head over heels for him), when he wasn't ready to be anything close to an official LDR, but it was also when two cats I had had for about 16 years died. They were brother and sister and the first to go was the brother. He was such a fighter and seemed better some days and not so the other days, so we didn't take him to a vet and he basically died next to me (he steeply declined that day and it was too late to move him). It did give me closure to be with him, but it really haunts me. The female pined away for him and became unwell, as well, and so we elected (along with the vet's advice) that she should be put down. At the time, though, I told my SO (who wasn't, I guess, my SO then) how sad I was about missing them and he just gave me some rather abrupt and callous response...and even after we are a couple and much closer, kinder, etc., he has never apologized for his reaction...but here G gets taken out to dinner and fawned over and on his and my anniversary?

    Blah, I'm crying now and feel like eating a pound of chocolate (it could also be that I couldn't sleep all last night and had to work today).

    Is it okay that I feel sad and jealous about this? Should I say anything about how I feel or will that be tacky since she is sad/ or close him off even more about talking about time spent with friends? I was certainly graceful to him on the phone and even shared my condolences for her (genuinely, I'm serious!), and acknowledged that we may not talk tomorrow (didn't bring up anything about the anniversary or the jealousy stuff), but I started to feel like I just wanted to clam up and get off of the phone.

    I'm just curious, do the two of you usually celebrate every month that you are together? Most couples only celebrate/acknowledge every year or half-year so I was wondering if he even thought that it was an 'anniversary' per se.

    It seems like his attentions to his friend bother you very much. I know you might be a bit reluctant to discuss it with him, but you have to tell him how you feel about the situation. Not necessarily pointing out that you feel he is wrong in his actions, but rather focus on how you are feeling.

    Honestly, in your position, I would not be none too happy either. Not because it's your anniversary and he will be hanging out with her, but because the two of you are long distance and it's natural to feel jealous over someone who gets to spend more time with him than you especially this person being a member of the opposite sex.


      Are you sure he didn't just sincerely forget? |Brandon hasn't remembered a single one of our anniversaries until I remind him the day of, usually because he is so busy with other things. I would figure that out first.

      Originally posted by Mara View Post
      I'm just curious, do the two of you usually celebrate every month that you are together? Most couples only celebrate/acknowledge every year or half-year...
      ... :P I celebrate every month up to a year, lol. I think alot of people do until they've been together for a long time.


        We usually celebrate each month in some way, like making sure we talk on the phone (and not just about what went on in our day), having a movie date, or sending a text to arrange one if we couldn't that day. Plus, the past few, we have talked about them in advance (he usually remembers) and make plans for some little date. It could be that he forgot, but then it still sucks if he did. >.<;

        I think that beyond the anniversary, the other issue is hurting (he treated me so coldly over an identical issue that he is coming to her rescue on).


          You need to talk to him. He's not a mind reader. It is your anniversary so text him yourself, maybe he just forgot.

          As for the pet issue, again Bring it up! "I think it's great that you want to help G during her time of need, but I was wondering why you acted so harshly towards me when I had to put my cats to sleep?"
          "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


            Guys are oftentimes really forgetful. I actually remember reading an article talking about how men rely much more on visual things than women do, and so they remember things differently than us. Something like a 10 month anniversary is surely important to him, but he may not remember it because there's nothing visually in his memory to make that day stand out.

            And its an awful coincidence that this dinner with the other girl is happening on your anniversary, but once again, he's probably completely forgotten about that one thing he may have said to you last year. That's probably why he hasn't apologized for it. Also, you two weren't dating when that happened, so if the same thing happened now, he would probably be a lot more compassionate. Perhaps it was your love for animals that helped him see how hard it must be to put down a pet?


              If I were you, I would not bring up the instance that happened when your cats died. I find that it is usually unproductive to bring up past events since the majority of the time people have changed since then. It sort of starts the conversation into this "well remember when you did this?" "yeah well only because you did this!" "you know I didn't mean that, we've already talked about this!" Which is... unproductive as I have said.

              Anyways, I would let him know that he missed your anniversary. If you'd like, you could try to do it playfully. "Hey you missed our anniversary, what're you gonna do to make it up to me?" (in a flirty voice!) When he says he's going to hang out with this girl again, just say calmly "You know I would really like it if you didn't hang out with G on your own. I know you are good friends, but you have to understand why it makes me a little jealous. Can you maybe do more group things with her?"

              Good luck.

