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My trip to scotland

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    My trip to scotland

    Let me just say first that whoever said leaving gets NO! This time it felt worse then the last time once again im a hallow shell of myself that wont be complete until im back in her arms. Kinda took a nap for a few hours last night woke up wanting to snuggle up closer to her but she wasent there which sent me into a massive sobbing fit, it hurts so much right now all i want is to be with my soulmate and live happily ever after and not having her in my arms especially when she needs me the most, it just hurts so much. Like she has said i saw what my life is supposed to be like and in one day its all taken away from me because i have to start the visa process before anything like that can occur. But anyway i'll tell you a few things from my trip and show some pictures as well.

    All went well with the flights minus Heathrow i wish someone would have told me how big Heathrow airport was, and its not an airport its a fucking mall with planes lol i landed in Heathrow and i was pretty cranky already from the plane ride having not slept on the plane and it being so long so when i checked in they told me i wasent on that certain flight that i was booked for and my reaction was O_O WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! someone apparently forgot to update my flight and forgot to book me properly so they had to rebook me on another flight, thinking that was all taken care of i got my boarding pass and headed for customs *bangs head on desk*i thought i was never gonna get through cause short of asking about my sex life she asked me every question about my relationship which ok fine is there job but really i found some of them very intrusive including asking "well how do you make your relationship work if you met online" that pissed me off but she let me through, now another thing that pissed me off was that Heathrow sometimes forgets to put your gate number on your ticket which leaves you wandering all over the airport trying to find it O_o i ended up missing my flight the first time to go see her and i ended up being a sobbing mess having to go rebook it, then go back through customs and security again then to avoid missing my flight again i ended up taking those golfcart thingies they have in the airport and i finally made my flight to go see her

    we landed and i saw her in arrivals i couldnt make my legs go fast enough into her arms and she was like "about time you got here woman!!" lol which i replied "ehhh shut up and hold me!!" *Sighs* was just an amazing moment being back in her arms again and she felt so good and warm, i just loved being in her arms it felt so right. All during the trip we took many pictures, went to Edinburgh which is amazing and really beautiful, the town she lives in is really cute and easy to get around it was just an amazing time and i cant wait to go back to it, i miss her so very very much being in her arms, kissing, cuddling, making love ehem....ect all of it was amazing, just going grocery shopping with her was fun because we tend to fool around anytime we go it just was an amazing time and i miss her so badly!!

    some pictures from my trip:

    HUGS! And glad to hear you had a good trip! Hope the transition period goes away soon! And until then, we're here to distract you!


      im glad you had a great time, the pics are cute. I hope the transition goes fast.


        Pics are great! Glad you had a good trip and YES Heathrow is a city!


          It didn't get easier for me for a very long time ;_;... This shit will be worth it! Anyway, I can relate with the groceries thing. I don't know what is it about those little mundane tasks, but it just feels so...normal? Is that the word I'm looking for? I don't think so, it's more like that's exactly how it should be. Is there a word for that!? D: Just glad you made it to her safely even though it was a major pain in the ass :'D. Glad to see you got the next visit date set too!


            Originally posted by Darth_Taco View Post
            It didn't get easier for me for a very long time ;_;... This shit will be worth it! Anyway, I can relate with the groceries thing. I don't know what is it about those little mundane tasks, but it just feels so...normal? Is that the word I'm looking for? I don't think so, it's more like that's exactly how it should be. Is there a word for that!? D: Just glad you made it to her safely even though it was a major pain in the ass :'D. Glad to see you got the next visit date set too!
            bingo!!! its exactly how it should be so when you leave its just wrong :/ because your leaving life behind you because you have to extra work to get it, which i will do but meh its gonna be a pain in the butt i just wanna up and move there but i cant *grumbles and pouts*


              Nice pics! Does she live in Highlands or Lowlands? If you don't mind me asking. Edinburgh is an amazing city! So nice that they have conserved the old buildings. As for Heathrow.. I feel your pain!


                I'm so glad you had a good time!!! Your pictures are too adorable Sorry you had to leave but I am glad to see you back on the forums


                  Originally posted by roosie View Post
                  Nice pics! Does she live in Highlands or Lowlands? If you don't mind me asking. Edinburgh is an amazing city! So nice that they have conserved the old buildings. As for Heathrow.. I feel your pain!
                  uhhh lowlands i think.....i love there old buildings im such a dork i find them facinating


                    Welcome back - glad you had a great trip


                      Welcome back!
                      It doesn't get easier I just had my first visit in December but it was way worse than when I left him when I moved. It's like you just know that you have to go back to the missing and how bad that is going to suck. I hope the time passes quickly until your next visit.


                        Aw sweetie! Yeah heathrows a flaming nightmare.

                        You know depending where you are in the states you might be able to get a flight directly to Glasgow next time? My friend lives there and flys back and forth to the states all the time.

                        I can totally relate to all your stresses. Last time I visited my so I booked my own flights thinking transfers would be automatic - they wernt, missed my second flight = sobbing mess. TGEN wasn't rebooked properly, almost missed that flight = more sobs. Luckily, like you, I got there in the end!

                        And this trip I got a second interview at immigration in the states because of how frequently I visit. But I had all my paperwork so it wasn't too bad.

                        The initial few days at home are the worst. And although it is good to stay busy, I'm a huge advocate of some wallowing for the first couple of days....especially as you have the double excuse of jet lag

                        *hugs* were all here for you xxx
                        Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                        Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                        And remember....Love really IS all around.


                          Originally posted by London-FortCollins View Post
                          Aw sweetie! Yeah heathrows a flaming nightmare.

                          You know depending where you are in the states you might be able to get a flight directly to Glasgow next time? My friend lives there and flys back and forth to the states all the time.

                          I can totally relate to all your stresses. Last time I visited my so I booked my own flights thinking transfers would be automatic - they wernt, missed my second flight = sobbing mess. TGEN wasn't rebooked properly, almost missed that flight = more sobs. Luckily, like you, I got there in the end!

                          And this trip I got a second interview at immigration in the states because of how frequently I visit. But I had all my paperwork so it wasn't too bad.

                          The initial few days at home are the worst. And although it is good to stay busy, I'm a huge advocate of some wallowing for the first couple of days....especially as you have the double excuse of jet lag

                          *hugs* were all here for you xxx
                          i would do Glasgow but its too far from where she lives, lol and i never thought i would be one of those people who would have a tantrum when i missed my own flight *blushes* some of the people there are not very helpful when giving directions to you, and with my ADD simple left and rights are not that easy, and i litterly had a fit and i was like "can you please tell them to hold the plane at least!!!" while bawling and jumping up and down O_o *blushes again* i dont like to cry in front of anyone but while rebooking my flight i was a flood of tears and i didnt care who saw me lol it was a nightmare yeaaaah it was stressful, but luckily i got the hang of it when i had to go through Heathrow again to come back to the states, this time i asked what gate i was supposed to go to right away


                            Welcome back! Glad you had a good trip. Love the pictures- you two are so cute!
                            LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
                            Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
                            Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


                              I love the pictures! Welcome back

