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First Skype call?!

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    First Skype call?!

    So, tomorrow, my SO and I might do a skype call, and I'm kinda nervous. I mean, I havn't talked to him face to face in over a year. Well, actually since I met him. So its just a little nerve-wracking... Does anybody have any tips or tricks they use for such Things? Anything helps.

    Ps, sorry about the duplicate post, my Nook froze up.

    Just be yourself, and try not to be nervous over it. It'll naturally flow, and if you make a goof of yourself, don't worry about it. I make a fool of myself all the time on cam with my SO, and she just winds up getting a laugh from it.


      I was so nervous about that at first, too. It was mainly a language problem (I speak Polish well enough, but face-to-face conversation is always so much easier than talking on the phone. I used to hate speaking Polish on the phone) and I was scared he wouldn't understand me and it would be really awkward.
      So the first few weeks after we went LDR, we'd only write on skype until one day (admittedly after some beers *blush*) I called him on skype.

      Man... I can't believe we made it a few weeks without talking. It was really silly to be nervous like that. I couldn't do without our daily calls anymore.

      So I'm sure you'll do it and it'll be just perfect <3

      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


        I remember when I did this with my boyfriend last year, when we were close, close, close friends (before we started dating). I hadn't seen him in almost two years, and to see him again on Skype for the first time in ages was amazing; we couldn't stop smiling the whole way through! My best advice I can give you is to take a deep breath, stay calm and just be yourself. My boyfriend and I always Skype at least once a week; maybe this skype call could be a new ritual you do every week or so too!


          Ok, so we had to postpone our Skype call to tonight, and I'm really Nervous! What do I do?!?!


            It'll be fine! =] Just be yourself and as you talk, you'll feel more comfortable. Basically, just talk like you normally would if you were on the phone, but he can see you. Good luck, and try to enjoy the call. They're so much fun!

            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


              Just relax and be yourself everything will go fine!


                How did it go?

                Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                  How did it go??!!
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    Gah, our call has been postponed. Again. Its scheduled for tonight. I hope it actually happens this Time!


                      Whoo! Tell us how it goes - we're all waiting!

                      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                        Ok! Finally we got to call each Other! I loved every second of it. I can't believe how different he Looks! And I realized how much a phone distorts your voice. Like, we kept laughing over how different we Sounded. And I love seeing his reactions to everything I say, or watching him make funny faces, or even just seeing him smile. I really hope this becomes part of our normal routine.


                          aww thats so cute! i'm so unbelievably lucky because my SO and i skype 24/7.. and i'm really happy for you that you got to skype, it makes a huuuge difference

