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Positives of an LDR?

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    Originally posted by milaya View Post
    For me the travel part is a big plus XD
    Since I had an obsession with Japan and travelled in Japan many times, long before I met my Japanese SO. Now I've found him, who pays for my tickets to Japan, if he can't come to Denmark. And yesterday he asked me where I wanted to go, since he would rent a car and want us to go on a "road-trip". How many foreigners get to do that in Japan XD.

    Then I also like the thought, that I don't have to worry about that my SO is just together with me for yeah... "physical reasons" or other "unserious reasons". Since he is the one who always pays for flight tickets. Either his to Denmark or mine to Japan (there's around 7 weeks between our visits). Even pays half my rent and such...

    And yeah, we really "treasure" the time we have together a lot more than CD couples probably does. Aahh the passion. XD
    Daaaam You better keep him! My boyfriend is too cheap and fusses when he has to pay my ticket to go to Phoenix and I'm from Las Vegas ! I like that !! He is soo sweet and plus your Japanese probably improved too since you have constant motivation!! My boyfriend is black man that just loves Japan but can't speak Japanese .... I need to find my practice buddy


      A big plus knowing that there's forums and people for support and that knows how you feel doing long distance!


        Probably said this before but I like not having to justify everything I do on a daily today - I have lots of clothes but I found a cute green cardigan on clearance for $6.00, so I bought it. If he were here, I might have to listen to a little bit of "why did you buy that, you have a ton of clothes already that you hardly ever wear..."

        And the independence. Gaining my independence again is one of the things that my SO found so attractive about me. Having him far away helps me keep that up.

        Also, and you know you all are thinking the same thing - I don't have to shave my legs nearly as often


          1. I can get involved in any number of clubs, events, and such as possible-basically really throw myself into doing well, because even if I want my SO around, he's not here, and I've learned to accept it as a good thing.

          2. People are constantly calling my relationship cute, haha. because when I really miss him, I write him letters, try to make him stuff, etc.

          3. I hate hate HATE that 12 hr insane plane ride to China, but I LOVE Beijing. Its such a fun city, where if I'm not going to be hanging out with him, I can just walk out my door and explore by myself.


            We appreciate time together so much more. And i agree that it is the ultimate test of a relationship. If we can last so long through the distance, then we can beat anything together. It's like the saying 'what doesn't kill us makes us stronger' in terms of the relationship.
            Also, because this way we spend alot more time talking than doing physical stuff, we can learn alot more about our SO than we may have done if we were close distance all the time.


              1) If you can go through a LDR and live together at the end, in my opinion, it's the biggest proof of trust and love
              2) You have this feeling that someone loves you strong enough to wait for you so far away
              3) Traveling. Specially in my case, we both love traveling so it's fantastic (and we are lucky I'm earning enough, and her parents are generous )


                1) When I'm super busy I can just have a quick phone convo with him without feeling guilty for not hanging out or going out on dates or anything like that...seriously I think December we wouldn't have seen each other at all, even if he was living CD.

                2) If I forget to shave my legs, it's no big deal. Also, I only have to get waxed when I'm going to see him.

                3) I think in a LDR you learn to treasure the time you have with your SO, what you need to do to make him/her feel loved, how to communicate with each other, how to talk through your problems. Just about everything's harder when you're far away, so if you learn when your at a distance it makes it easier to keep it up when your closer.

                And I agree when people said it's the Ultimate Relationship Test. When you can live apart for years and can only see each other every so often, it becomes pretty clear that you have something special.

                "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                -- Anonymous


                  I don't know if this has already been brought up but I see a lot of young couples who are obsessed with spending every second together instead of growing and becoming the best versions of themselves possible before focusing THAT much on another. I am in love with Alex and I know that if I did live very close to him I'd spend most of my free time over at his house. but that wouldn't be healthy for either of us. so it's good for us to have a little bit of space and gradually grow closer.


                    I always tell my boyfriend that if we can get through this time apart then we can get through anything. He is supposed to be joining the military soon. Since I am a military brat I know how hard it is. So that is one of my biggest positives.


                      1. Growing both together and individually
                      2. If you forgot to shave your legs, it's not that big a deal. :P (I agree with LostinLove on this one)
                      3. You can yell at your stuffed bear when your frustrated and not take it out on your s.o.
                      4. Your creativity jumps in leaps and bounds when your apart because you want to show them you care in every way.
                      5. When you do get to see each other it's like the first time all over again.
                      6. Pos/Neg. You can face issues that may be far beyond your maturity level (financial stress etc.)
                      7. A smiley face text message can mean the world.
                      8. You appreciate the small things.
                      9. You learn so much more about each other.
                      10. You accept one another, quirks, frustrations and faults, everything about them
                      11. Your patience grows SO MUCH!


                        Here's some of mine!!

                        1. Again, the Ultimate Relationship test. If you can get through this, you can get through ANYTHING!!
                        2. You don't take things for granted and every text, call and letter is special
                        3. The anticipation of seeing them next can't be compared to anything
                        4. You're free to do whatever you want without feeling as if you're constantly being judged
                        5. NO SHAVING!! XD Yeah, I'm thinkin' it too.
                        6. Less distractions from school or work. If we were CD right now I'd never get ANYTHING done.
                        7. The passion when you finally do see them
                        8. You grow independently as a person instead of constantly being attached to someone at the hip
                        9. You grow closer as a couple then any CD couple could get
                        10. Having something to look forward to all the time to get you though the hard times.


                          I have fallen deeper and been so very open with my love. I have had to communicate and be truly honest.

                          Never have I known a love like this....~~
                          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                            Every time you see each other, it's like you're meeting for the first time. I always feel all nervous and excited when I know I'm seeing my boyfriend and we go on dates. ><


                              Originally posted by Cucaratcha View Post
                              2) You have this feeling that someone loves you strong enough to wait for you so far away
                              My heart belongs to a pilot!


                                ^ I agree with the above statement

