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Positives of an LDR?

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    '9. You grow closer as a couple then any CD couple could get'

    Too true. All too often many of my friends break-up, or base a relationship on sex. Which shouldn't be the core of a relationship. They don't seem to have honesty and trust, which I think is what is required in any relationship, but is alot stronger in a LDR. E.g despite the distance, my SO can read me like a book if we talk or skype. I could never get a lie past him if I tried. Maybe its just my group of friends in their relationships, but they have alot of secrets they keep from their gf's / bf's.


      I'd say the positives are that you learn to trust each other much easier, you don't take the time you spend together or that person for granted as much and you grow closer through the distance. It's not purely physical, like most CD relationships; there's a HUGE emotional bond that forms and continues to grow.

      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


        -Being in a long distance relationship has helped me become more independent and confident in myself. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be flying half way across the country to see the man I love.
        -Not having to shave my legs when he's not here!
        -If we can handle the distance then we can handle anything!

