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New Here...How long do you usually go between visits?

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    New Here...How long do you usually go between visits?

    Hi! Just wondering how often everyone here gets to see their SO. We do our best to see each other every other weekend. We were in an LDR seeing each other every other weekend for 16 months, then for the past 6 months he was living with me in the same city but the job and logistics due to his kids being far away didn't work so he's back closer to them now making more money. We have agreed on me driving once a month there and him driving once a month here, and we will fly if the fares are good. Just wondering how others here work it out? Also, how long have you been in a long distance relationship and if there's anyone who's done it for a really long time (like 5 years+) I'd love to here some success stories. Due to our children being our top priorities its very possible we may not be able to live in the same city again for another 8+ years. I think as long as we both stay committed to our plan and are patient and understanding we can do it!


    We only get to see each other every 4 - 6 months, but that's because I'm in the US and he's in Finland. We're restricted by the amount of vacation time we get and it's too far for a weekend. We've been together almost two years, and have a few more before we can close the distance. I don't think we're quite ready yet, and I have an adult daughter who still lives at home, and probably will for a couple of more years. I think that, despite the distance, if you're seeing each other every other weekend, and are both OK with it, there's no reason why your relationship can't continue. Since you have kids, there's not much else you can do, so as long as you both are on the same page about it, there shouldn't be a problem. Not everybody manages to get into nice, conventional relationships!
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      So far, we've been aiming for every two months. So far that's worked okay with my school schedule and his work schedule. We're trying to figure out a valentine's day visit now... two monthsish after our christmas visit.


        It depends, but usually we manage to see each other every 3 weeks. The longest we haven't seen each other, since we had started being LDR was four weeks (and it'll probably be again that long in Feb/March this year. Followed by 5 weeks together, though.)

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          Last time there was a year and a half between visits. My boyfriend just recently went back home and I won't see him for about six months. Hopefully we can close the distance this summer.


            It's pretty irregular for us. We were long distance in the beginning of our relationship and we saw each other pretty much every weekend. Then, we were CD for a year and now, we've been long distance for the past six months and some months we see each other a few times a month and some months we don't see each other at all. It just really depends on money and our schedules. We won't be closing the distance for another six months to a year and a half so we have a bit left to go!


              The shortest we have went is 12 days and the longest we have went is 5 weeks. We average around 3 weeks... basically once a month. We live 10 hours apart.


                well i live in the US and she lives in Scotland, and money is very tight for us both so every 4-6 months we get to see each other


                  I live in Denmark and he lives in Japan, but considering the distance, I guess we've been pretty lucky.
                  The shortest time between visits is 6 weeks and the longest have been 16 weeks. We hope that we won't have to experience 16 weeks again, anytime soon. So could say there's 6-16 weeks between our visits. But, think the average is around 7 weeks between visits.


                    Well our average right now is two visits a year.


                      Originally, we set up to visit once every 4 months, but I added in an extra visit at Christmas so we saw each other in June/early July, then October, then for a week after Christmas and the next visit is tentatively set for 2/26 (tentative since no flight plans have been made). After this, it will probably fall back to every four months since we have to work around our kids school schedules and our work schedules. Wish it could be more, but life gets in the way. Even though we're both here in the states, we're still close to 1500 miles apart, so frequent visits are difficult to plan. So, I guess if you're asking the norm, it really varies depending n the distance and your schedules.


                        Typically we've managed every two months to two and a half months the past year and a half, but because of money and his school schedule this next visit will mark the longest we've been apart, almost 5 months. And I have no idea when I'm gonna see him again after this next visit.


                          It varies. The distance began toward the end of June last year, and we've managed a total of four visits so far (three were his, one was mine). We usually had at least a month and a half to two months between visits. My SO's in college, so they're usually arranged around his breaks. This semester, though, I think we'll probably only end up having one (for Spring Break) before we close the distance in June. Time's flying by quicker than it was at first, though, which makes it easier.
                          My heart belongs to a pilot!


                            So far we see each other every six months or so ^^; Six or seven months. We met in May/June 2010 and then I visited again in December 2010. He's supposed to come down in May or June ^^


                              We usually go 6 months.

                              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

