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New Here...How long do you usually go between visits?

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    I'm in a short-term LDR compared to others here... 6 months total.... meaning, ONE long haul from September 11 2010 to March 13 this year.. we started out CD (obviously), and so far it's been almost 4½ months since I last saw him (in comparison, before he went traveling the longest we'd been apart was 4 days )


      I fly to see my boyfriend or he flies to see me every 3 months


        Well we became ldr in August and I saw him in December for Christmas.So that was 4 months and I should see him again in about 6 months and then again a month after that and then 5 months after that and a few weeks after that we will become CD again. If everything goes as So average is 5 months. Because I am in school year round and get like no time off. But it's only a 16 month program so that helps.


          We've been dating for a little over 2 years. I live in California and he lives in Texas. We try to see each other every 2-3 months


            My SO and I usually try to see each other every 2-3 months

            Any longer than that and problems start to arise


              hmm, right now we're once every two weeks . It's probably going to go down to once a month though once school gets crazy, and then summer..I might have to move home which means we might not see each other for a few months. It all depends.


                Twice a year (summer/winter). We're both 20 and studying in college so it's extremely hard to see eachother

                I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
                I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


                  Every 2-3 months and usually for 7-14 days at a time. Would be interesting to know how many days (or weeks) you are usually together for. I'm probably going to spend the whole May with him this year. The thought of it keeps me going.


                    yeah sometimes we're on a schedule sort of, and others its just different times.. for the first part of summer we were seeing each other about every 20 days for like 3 visits.. we were so spoiled! now we usually go about a month and a half without seeing each other, and then after this visit.. which he's coming here for valentines day.. we will go 3 months, we're trying to see each other less this semester of school.. which is really hard, but he's moving out here in the summer, and we want to save our money for when he comes out here, rather than keep spending it on short trips


                      we've been LD for 18 months now. first visit after going LD was 11 months later for 6 weeks, second was 4 months later for 3 weeks... so it's one to two a year for us, but we try to make them the longest possible
                      Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                      And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                      ~Richard Bach

                      “Always,” said Snape.


                        Originally posted by Luisina View Post
                        I'm in a short-term LDR compared to others here.

                        Im the same. We are CD and live together but he is visiting his family 5000 miles away for 4 months. I havent seen him for ten weeks but I get to see him in 5 and half :-)


                          We try about 2-3 days every month if he can afford it. We started off with 64 days, which was awful for me. Christmas (for a month) and summer (2 1/2 months) he gets to come back though. We went into it knowing it was going to be a 6 year thing, until we're both done with school. We've been at it for 7 months and even though that's been hard enough, we're ready for the challenge and have hopeful futures. Good luck and the best of luck to you, I hope everything goes smoothly...just keep that count-down going!

                          To everyone else:
                          Thank you for your stories, both finished and still in process. They are inspirational to read!


                            We live 1000 mi apart, so we see each other 4 or so times a year, for maybe a week each time.
                            17 years LDR out of 18 years of marriage. Oh, yeah, plus a year of LDR courtship.

