Some of you may remember my very first (probably only post so far) was about ideas for a dress to my boy´s sister wedding in a beach. The wedding is by the end of march and I still have no dress but several options, thanks to a lot of your ideas. Anyway, two days ago I went to make up my mind and walk into the store were I saw two that I liked the most. The lady comes to me (same lady that has seen me two times already because I had to come several times hahahah and asks what I need, so for the third time I say "I am looking for a dress to wear to a wedding on the beach" and as I was about to continue explaining I have seen a couple and would like to try them on she pulls me to the back of the store and says I only have two options because of the fabric mosts dresses are made of, they are white bride dresses!!! I have no clue what face I made but I obviously made one because she felt like apologizing for over 100 times
and it occured to me, I am scared of the whole ceremony, white dress, rings and priest thing, not to say the f*ing paper that ties me to someone else for the rest of my existence on this earth!!! I love my boy and I am sure I want to spend the rest of my life with him but I dont need the ceremony to say it for me, or a paper to hang on my wall?
I am sure that after living together for a some years I will want it like nothing else (because everytime someone mentions a wedding...most of my friends.....I make a noise like nostalgic) but for right now it scares me to death!!
So my question, anyone else feels like this or I am a crazy person???
Oh! and about the dress I tried the two I liked and one was too short for me and the other was black and I remembered I asked Matias and he said his mom is really traditional in the sense of wearing black to a wedding. So back to were I was

I am sure that after living together for a some years I will want it like nothing else (because everytime someone mentions a wedding...most of my friends.....I make a noise like nostalgic) but for right now it scares me to death!!

So my question, anyone else feels like this or I am a crazy person???
Oh! and about the dress I tried the two I liked and one was too short for me and the other was black and I remembered I asked Matias and he said his mom is really traditional in the sense of wearing black to a wedding. So back to were I was
