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Break up !!

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    Break up !!

    Hello All,
    So after using some good ideas from LDR, meeting up in India and when I am about to meet her family in USA, my SO decides to call it a day,that too suddenly. On 28th of Dec she decides to talk on me without even making it clear what went wrong.
    We have been together for 9 months now and after all these months when she gives her side of explainations she says I do not fit in her dreams and stuffs.

    We will be moving to places for our studies and as I know that matured couples do discuss this out and plan it out how to meet and stuffs like that. But may be perhaps me being from India and moving to Canada or USA for business studies and she moving in USA to different state for her undergraudate study might have been in the back of her mind.

    But yes this is all of a sudden when I am supposed to meet her family and friends this february when she has her birthday on 14th of feb. I do feel lost at times and its very strange that I got something like this after so much of connectivity for so many months together.

    Feels bad and feels lost in love when I had planned and worked towards it so much. All she says is that I should forgive and forget her now. Just no idea how to take all of this at this crucial moment of my career change and studies.

    Thank you all for listening to my hearts woes and I feel so bad and so lost.

    Thank you all folks
    Amit Ganguly
    From India

    I'm so sorry to hear this Sounds like this is a final decision on her end.. break ups are never easy, but you WILL feel better. You just have to hang in there and give it time. We're all here to listen, if you need it! Take care and good luck!


      I'm sorry to hear about your break up. I wish you the best of luck. I hope you consider making a full break; it may be best for you to not keep talking so you can heal properly and ti minimize confusion.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        I'm sorry for what happened, but as much as it hurts, you still have to respect her decision. What you can do is try and talk about it and see what really went wrong, maybe you'll understand her more or maybe things might end up working out if you can fix it, you never know.
        Whatever the case is, try to have some time for yourself, do other things.. it might help. If it's meant to be it'll be, whether it's a week from now or 6 months. Always think about it as a new experience, something you can learn from rather than beat yourself down.

        I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
        I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


          I'm sorry to hear about this Amit. I hope that this time brings you healing and closure.


            I'm so sorry to hear about your heartache. We're always here for support if you need us
            "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


              I'm sorry you had to go through this. Maybe the distance was just too much for her, not everyone is good with an LDR. I know its hard, but try to just let it go and move forward, if you're moving to the US or Canada to study it'll be a very exciting time in your life, just focus on that and enjoy every minute
              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                I am sorry for your breakup. Eventually we heal, it just takes time....we are all here to support you!
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  I'm so sorry to hear this. Keep positive, you can make it through this tough time.


                    I'm sorry to hear about this! I wish you the best of luck in everything. You seem like a great guy which is rare esp. since you can do long distance. Any man that can do long distance while being faithful is worthy to keep and I really do mean that!


                      It's so sorry to hear about this. I hope that time gives you the closure you need to heal from this. I hope that you still do your program in either Canada or the US because it's fun and exciting to go to another country and study. If you ever need anything, we're all here to listen and support you.
                      "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                      "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                      Met: August 22, 2010
                      Made it official: September 17, 2010
                      Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                      Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                      Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                      Got married: November 21, 2012
                      Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                      Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                        I'm so sorry to hear this. =(


                          Hey to all,

                          Well fortunately or unfortunately my heart is set on her. Well we havent yet observed a complete break up either. Its a mutual decision to remain in touch at least through mails. I don't know how to read this though or idea of hers though.

                          Well upon much poking I have understood one thing that distance is the main factor because of which she took this drastic decision that too without even bothering to know my opinion. Distance in the sense that I am from India and I will be moving for my business education to Canada mainly Toronto or USA near the East Coast New York mainly. She on the other hand will be taking up her undergraduate studies and now has decided to move to Washington state where she will take up studies in Sustainability.

                          Well, in British Columbia Canada, Vancouver there is this good university and college British Sauders which I am interested into. Vancouver will be a place near to Tacoma, Washington and perhaps I can close this gap much more than what it is right now. The distance is 4 hrs by Car and around 14 hrs by Public Transport.

                          So if I listen to my heart it says to follow her and take the the college in Vancouver and give this relationship a chance. I wish to ask her the same too once I get a confirmed admissions in a couple of colleges in Canada such as York Schulich, Mc Gill, HEC Montreal and yes finally British Sauders.

                          I just hope my thinking for my love and the career is in the right direction.

                          Thank you all guys.

                          From India


                            Hey Amit,
                            I hope it works out for you two.. if you end up going to the university that's closer to her, the distance doesn't sound too bad anymore. I recently returned to Denmark after going to school in the States for a semester, where my bf lives. We were about 6 hours apart by car and 7 by public transportation. We almost saw each other every weekend, which was so great. The Greyhound buses go all the time everywhere in the States, and I can highly recommend using them. They're very comfortable, if you're on a long trip and fairly cheap, especially if you get the Student Advantage card, which is valid for a year and costs only 20 dollars. This can be purchased online. Gives you a pretty big discount every time. You might already know about the Greyhound buses, but it just seemed odd to me that public transportation would be 14 hours, when it's only 4 hours by car? I'm sure there are better options than that, if you don't happen to have a car... good luck with everything! Distance is so hard, but with the plan you have in mind, it can work


                              Originally posted by Stina83 View Post
                              Hey Amit,
                              I hope it works out for you two.. if you end up going to the university that's closer to her, the distance doesn't sound too bad anymore. I recently returned to Denmark after going to school in the States for a semester, where my bf lives. We were about 6 hours apart by car and 7 by public transportation. We almost saw each other every weekend, which was so great. The Greyhound buses go all the time everywhere in the States, and I can highly recommend using them. They're very comfortable, if you're on a long trip and fairly cheap, especially if you get the Student Advantage card, which is valid for a year and costs only 20 dollars. This can be purchased online. Gives you a pretty big discount every time. You might already know about the Greyhound buses, but it just seemed odd to me that public transportation would be 14 hours, when it's only 4 hours by car? I'm sure there are better options than that, if you don't happen to have a car... good luck with everything! Distance is so hard, but with the plan you have in mind, it can work
                              Absolutely remarkable post you have made and it touches my heart so much. I am just so much obliged and feel so warm with this post of yours that I can't express in words.
                              Yes, the distance between Tacoma and Vancouver is 231 miles as mentioned in the Google maps. However, I am right now concentrating my hearts out for the colleges in Canada and will try my best for British Saunders Vancouver.

                              My heart says to follow her and get her back. Recently I sent her a mail about how I along with my sister planned a surprise party for my parents back in India.I talked about the complete party and stuffs. Kimberly replied to this and also shared about how her dad and sister have come to New Jersey and they are having a good time. Also she will be going to Washington and checking out the college and stuffs like that.

                              All I want to do is move fast and act fast before the flame douses of completely. Moreover, one I get my admissions confirmed I will tell her about all this too. She was herself surprised that despite all this problems and on top of that I met with an accident too, I am pulling things off.

                              All I believe is, if I have faith in me and love in my heart it will work out !!!

                              Signing off
                              With love and gratitude

