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the way he looks at me <3

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    the way he looks at me <3

    i know it's sort of a cheesy thing to say, but no one has ever ever looked at me the way eric does. it's so amazing how he can just look at me, and i can tell how much he loves me.

    there have been so many times where i'll be doing something and i'll look at him and he's just looking at me with this look in his eyes that i cannot explain.. and when i look back at him i melt every time

    an example: 2 trips ago he made me a steak dinner for my last night there.. it was so yummy! haha anyways, i was eating my steak, not looking very sexy, and he just stared at me with that look like he was falling in love all over again. it was one of those times where i wasn't doing anything sexy, i was chewing on a piece of steak hah, but the way he looked at me, i felt like i was the most important person in the world to him.. it gives me butterflies just thinking about it

    Me and my SO dated 6 years ago when we lived in the same town and he always looked at me with this soft happy look.. Its hard to explain.. It felt I gues its the kind of look someone would get seeing home after a long hard trip their happy is over and he's exactly where he wants to be most. It didn't matter to him who was in the room. I still get that look now, even though its through a web cam. It still makes my heart flutter and makes me feel like a million bucks. doesn't matter if my hair is a mess and I'm in PJs or if I'm sick as hell and look like crap. (though that usually has a mixture of worry)

    that look gets rid of any doutbs i ever have.
    If nothing ever changed, There would be no butterflys <3


      Yeaaah, i know while i was over there i would just walk into the room and just seeing the love in her eyes when i did just that was just amazing to see


        my SO used to look at me like that...lately no. Things have noot been good between us, but I am hanging on because I remember THAT look. May be I should forget coz may be he will never look at me like that again


          oh, funny you bring that up now..
          The day before yesterday, during a skype session, I went to open a new browser window and thus glanced away from the skype window for a few seconds.... and when I returned my BF looked straight into his webcam with that look... I just paused, sat there... it was like he was right THERE, looking into my eyes.. and the reaction was IMMIDIATE... like, seeeeerious butterflies
          I was all in a fluster and couldn't decide whether I wanted him to cut it off - or promise never to stop!

          So yeah, I get it.. even through skype


            Ah, I love the look. Sometimes we'll be talking on Skype, or often just sitting and enjoying each other's presence, and my sweetheart gives me the look that he reserves just for me, and I feel so special. :3

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              AHH <3 Best feeling ever! Even through skype, they meet your eyes and you can feel it, nomatter how far away they are.


                Mmm, that special look my SO only has when she's looking at me.

                I told her quite a few times that I'm absolutely in love with that look. Even more because she didn't even realize that she had such a look.


                  Oh, I know that look! It's the best. :3

                  "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                  Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                    It's reassurance for me. You always have moments of doubt whether it's a fling or not as serious as you think, and it's that time when you do the most unattractice thing, like spill food over yourself because you ate to fast, and he gives you the look that no one else can give you. It makes you feel like no one else in the world matters to him. <3


                      Mmmmhmmm its the best feeling in the world the love that one feels that can't be expressed in words. I managed to catch the look on the camera on my phone ( this was before he admitted that he loved me) but every time I looked at that picture I knew he did. I love the way he looks at me and even though I fuss with him when he just sits there and stares at me...I know why and it takes my breath away every time. Now when we catch each other just looking whoever was caught will say What and our reply is "Just looking is that ok?" And of course the other person agrees...I think its one of the ways we say I love you without saying it ;-)


                        My SO makes me melt when he looks at me, I just see so much love and adoration for me, sometimes I just want to cry when I look in his eyes as silly as that sounds lol

                        Madly in love with Michael


                          Originally posted by beaton View Post
                          AHH <3 Best feeling ever! Even through skype, they meet your eyes and you can feel it, nomatter how far away they are.
                          Totally agree!!


                            The very last day of his first visit, we were sitting in his car and I started to cry because I didn't want him to leave. I remember looking at him and he was looking at me and he was promising me that he would come back as soon as he could and I just remember there was so much love in his eyes. No one had ever looked at me like that before, literally. (He's my first boyfriend and the first guy that I know of that was ever romantically interested in me.) That happened nearly a year ago and I still get teary-eyed thinking about it.


                              When he looks at me its undescribable. Its like he'll look at me and He doesent even have to say "I Love you" and it comes through loud and clear. I'm a very lucky girl
                              " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                              Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                              Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011

