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Stressed before a visit?

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    Oh goodness yes! haha When I was picking my SO up from the airport (mind you this is after we met, and after I went to visit him once) I was so nervous I thought I was going to vomit. And I had already met him!!!

    I can't imagine how nerve racking it is to meet an SO for the first time. (not to try to make you feel worse!)

    BUT. You'll meet. You'll have a great time. And all that anxiety will melt away. I promise.


      I'm not stressed but I probably have a very stupid-happy smile on my face all the way from leaving for the airport until I actually get to see him (and probably then, too) and I'm always extra nice to all the airport/plane staff, because I'm so happy.
      They must either think I'm creepily nice or mental.

      I usually try to chat with whoever sits next to me on the plane (if there is someone that is), just because I'm in such an extremely good mood. But the flights I take are usually pretty businessmen only, so that's not always so successful.
      The last time it went something like this:
      me "Those machines they have for defrosting are so funnily looking. I love watching them"
      not me "yeah."
      me: "And the way they move their -uh- heads. They totally look like giant caterpillars"
      not me "oh yeah."

      Haha... I swear. I'm not always like this and I'm not suffering from Asperger's !!

      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


        I get nervous, but an excited kind of nervous. It's the anticipation. I get butterflies, too!

        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

