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The little things?

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    The little things?

    When I think about closing the distance with my SO it is always very tiny things that I'm excited about. For example: I cannot wait to do his laundry. I adore doing laundry; it is my favorite chore. For some reason the idea of doing his excites me so much. I also really love video games. I love to play them, I love to watch people play them, and I love to be in the room while they're being played. Tonight I am stuck doing homework of course and I know he is at home playing the new game I bought him for Christmas. I just have this perfect image of us in my head where we're snuggled on the couch and he's playing Xbox and I'm reading a book.

    So I'm wondering what are the little things you're looking forward to sharing with your SO? I know I have a ton. I want to know what you guys wish you could do together on a daily basis.

    When I think about living with him, I always imagine us in the kitchen with me helping him cook. I can't cook, but I love helping out when I can and he loves to cook so I think it'd be a perfect 'bonding' moment for us.


      I always think about waking up next to him and not having to worry because it'll always be like that... just laying there talking and cuddling for a while before we go get ready for work. Taking our showers together, getting dressed, putting my make up on while he shaves.... ( I want a bathroom with 2 sinks so we can be there at the same time :P)

      Also, my SO loooooooooves cooking and when he cooks, he doesn't even let me help him (which works for my advantage since I hate it, haha). I can't wait to just be at home and have him cook me dinner while we just talk about our day, or just random stuff.

      I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
      I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


        Definitely falling asleep and waking up with each other. That's one of the tops. I've managed to sneak in a short nap with him here and there, but it's not very comfortable or for very long. I can't wait until I fall asleep for the night with him right there.
        My heart belongs to a pilot!


          We'll be closing the distance this spring and moving in together in Atlanta. We're both so excited. I can't wait to wake up next to him every morning, and fall asleep next to him every night, and cook dinner with him, and get our own puppy, and just do everyday things with him... every day.

          "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
          - A. A. Milne


            Just being able to see him every day and touch him not having to miss his presence There are other things but that's the first thing I want for sure! I want to cook, clean, wake up next to, and wrestle with him I just want to be us every day and not just some of the time.


              Every time I think about us moving in together, I just imagine us waking up together and getting ready for our day. Just how awesome it would be to have him there when I'm running around and getting ready, and kissing him goodbye...that'll be awesome.

              Everything else I can imagine we already do during visits. That's the one thing that'll have to wait.

              "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
              -- Anonymous


                As crazy as it sounds, I look forward to doing really mundane things, arguing a bit, then having make-up sex. We are both passionate people - we don't usually fight over anything significant, but making up is very fun.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  I can't wait to cook dinner for him and take care of him when he's sick


                    I also love doing laundry, everyone thinks it's weird when I'm like yay laundry haha! I cannot wait to cook together and for him, that day cannot come soon enough when we will be together more than once every few weeks!

                    Madly in love with Michael


                      definitely laundry.


                        I can't wait to do 2 or 3 things. There's obviously more on the list but I'll narrow it down:
                        1.) Driving with him. He always insists on driving his nice, shiny car rather than my 94' nissan. He plays the best music and always opens the door for me. I miss that...
                        2.) Cuddling him when watching our favorite TV shows including The Office, Arrested Development, Community, Psych, etc. instead of getting excited over the phone about what just happened.
                        3.) Taking care of him. Doing the chores, cooking, healing, everything. I'm to much of a mother and I want to do everything for him.


                          I agree about the laundry. So glad you mentioned this, because I thought I was the only freak out there.

                          Cooking for him. I absolutely love cooking and everything that has to do with preparing food. It's just no fun when I'm living on my own.

                          Fighting about the tv programme. It might seem really off, but I love 'arguing' about what we watch on tv together. Our preferences couldn't be more different. Mainly everything he wants to watch is deadly boring for me and vice versa, so we have to go through all the channels twice before one of us takes the power and stays with something that's guaranteed to leave the other one unsatisfied. We usually have to compromise for something like National Geographic Wild/some cartoon (Martha Speaks!!), that neither of us really wants to watch, but that's bearable at the very least...

                          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                            Oh something I completely forgot but I can't wait to do is to decorate our house, I know he won't help me a lot, because well he's a guy. But just going together to Ikea (I love Ikea, haha) to buy everything for the house... and making our own little place look nice ^.^

                            I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
                            I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


                              All of your answers are making me so excited to close the distance!!! It's far away, but being excited about it makes my relationship run much more smoothly.

