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    Thank you, google, for finding this site for me. First time posting here and I think I'll be a frequent visitor.

    Do you think there's a time frame on how deeply a person can feel for someone else? Do you think you can fall in love with a person in, say, 2 months? Does it change your opinion of the situation if the people involved haven't met?

    I am asking because I'm very curious to know what other people think. I'm currently in a situation almost identical to the questions I've asked above. I can't say I'm completely in love with him, but I'm falling in love with him. It's been incredible and completely and totally unexpected. This is not like me at all. I cannot begin to say how surprised I am, still, by all of this. He's amazing. He makes me want to be a better person. I'm lucky enough to already be planning to meet him in April.

    If anyone has questions for me, feel free to ask. Thanks!

    You can't put a time frame on love, in my opinion. I fell deeply, madly in love with my SO within the first 2 months of our friendship, as did he. (he before me :P) The heart has no boundaries as to how quickly one can fall in love.. It's just once the first few months of head-over-heels young love are over -- that's when your love is tested as to whether or not it's true love. I wish you luck meeting him!!! I remember meeting my SO for the first time -- I was nervous but it was magic. I hope you experience the same magic Good luck!


      Welcome! There's definitely no time frame my boyfriend told me he loved me within a few weeks! it just kind of happened. we definitely didn't plan on any of this! i've never met my boyfriend in person yet but i'm in love with him oh so very much! How did you two meet?


        Thank you both! I've tried explaining it to people, but they don't seem to get it.

        We met by a complete fluke on Facebook. We both "like" The Smoking Gun Presents: The World's Dumbest... and he commented on a link one day and I "liked" his comment and I thought to myself "that's someone I would love to get to know". The thing, though, that started it all was that my profile picture was from How The Grinch Stole Christmas which is my and his favorite Christmas cartoon. He messaged me about it telling me he liked it and that got the ball rolling. We started talking. Haven't stopped since and BAM! I've been crazy about him since. He is the only person I have ever accepted a friend request from on Facebook whom I do not know personally. I'm so glad I did. We're perfect for each other.


          That's so cute!!!! Best of luck to you two


            Thank you. We can't wait until April. Happy Birthday to me!


              I ask myself this question too. Counting all the time we were acquientances(which doesn't really count for much at all)-we've only known each other 3-4 months or so. And yet I don't understand this giant whirlpool of emotions that is already there. In the beginning from my side it was a normal crush that wouldn't die, and from his side no interest. But somehow there are moments these days, even though we're...complicated, that I feel like what I feel must be his emotions, that we have a connection. Then I wonder whether I shouldn't think myself crazy and check into a psychologist, HAHA.


                Love can happen in an instant. The initial attraction stage, the hardest hit of love at the beginning, is absolutely amazing. It's after the honeymoon period clears and you've had a chance to experience struggles, hardships, and joys together, though, that you discover if the love you bear comes with all the other requirements for a long-term relationship.

                My SO and I met on a bloody video game. Now after over two years of knowing one another and being a couple for over a year, I'm moving to another country to be with him.

                Can you love someone you've never met? Absolutely.
                Can that love last? Sure.
                Do you have to work your butt off to succeed? Hell yeah.

                Welcome to the forums.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  Originally posted by Silviar View Post
                  Can you love someone you've never met? Absolutely.
                  Can that love last? Sure.
                  Do you have to work your butt off to succeed? Hell yeah.
                  THIS. Now if you're getting engaged after 2-3 months, I'd have a different answer ;-)

                  When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

                  True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

                  When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

                  1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


                    Falling in love has no time frame. I fell in love with my boyfriend before we were together. Granted, our situation was different than most. We have been best friends for 12 years, and even though we've been together a little under 6 months, I knew I truly was in love with him and wanted to be with him for about 9 months before we actually started going out. Though, I knew when I was 9 years old, I was always in denial and ended up falling for him about 4 times before we became a couple.

                    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                      Hi, i'm new here too, and i'm from mexico, so we'll have a lot of different cultural answers here....

                      Well, i really think that there is not time for someone to fall in love... it all depends of how honestly is one with the other, and what are both looking in the relationship. In my case it happened in days.... we met on a 3rd and by the 22th of the same month we were oficially dating, obviously it wasn't untill we had like 4 months together when we noticed that we were so in love with each other... but since the first day, de love was in the air and growing.


                        That's awesome! just a click, then boom falling in love! so cute! haha


                          Definitely can't put a time frame on love.. every single person and every situation is different. It makes me mad when people say "you don't love him you've never even met him.." but really you can't say that. Because I think an online relationship is a great start to a successful love/friendship, whatever it may be. I've found some really close "online" friends who I would go to before I would some of my "in person" friends. You get that emotional connection with them first, it gives you a better understanding on how they think and whats in their heart. As much as I hate long distance relationships because I need that physical connection, at the same time I love it because you really do get to know a person on a different level before actually meeting them face to face and having that physical attraction/connection.

                          If you fall in love with someone for who they are as a person and the connection is there then when you meet in person or close the distance, it will be that much better. Now, if someone lies about who they are that's a different story, but I think most would know if someone was lying about who they really were or not. You have so many different ways of communicating with each other, webcams, phones, instant messaging, pictures, etc.. and you can only cover up a lie with another lie so many times before the truth is out.

                          Rambling....sorry lol


                            There is no time frame. You can definitely fall in love after 2 months. I started to feel attached to my guy after only a couple weeks! Now, we've been together for over 3 years and still we've never met in person. But, I am planning to meet him in March, finally!! But yeah, you can fall in love with someone you've never met. Love isn't only about the physical things. You can fall in love with their personality, the way they treat you, etc.

