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what would you do if something happened to your SO?

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    I would do anything I could to help him and take care of him, no doubt. I'd be on the next plane to Georgia in a matter of hours.

    "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
    - A. A. Milne


      Wow, good question! But I know that without a doubt, I'd be there for him. He's an amazing man, and I'm going to love him no matter what. I want to be with him forever. My Boyfriend was in the hospital for 5 days in November of 2009. He had clogged arteries. Man, I was soo scared! Ever since that time, though, I occasionally have dreams where something happens to him. I just can't help being concerned now. It worries me, because his Doctor told him if he didn't come to the hospital when he did, he wouldn't have made it. For those 5 days, I couldn't be with him in person, but I spent every second on the phone with him. I didn't sleep much, I didn't eat much, I didn't do anything but talk to him. I just couldn't imagine him going through it alone. I wanted him to know he'll always have me.

      Anyways, all that stuff wasn't part of the question. But the question just made me think about that. Made me think about that time when I could've lost him.


        I'm going to sound like a cold bitch, but here goes... at this point in our lives at least if something like that were to happen to Obi I'd help his family as much as I could until I raised the money I needed to fly home, and then I would do so. I think I'd always stay in touch, I'd always care, I'd always love who he had been and his family, but I would try and move on.

        I fell in love with Obi for his mind. Not his looks, not for financial security, not for his genetics, not because I wanted to live in Canada. I fell in love with his intelligence, his wit, his humour... if something were to happen to his mind, the person I love wouldn't be there anymore. I would try to move on, find someone else to be happy with, have children with and have a future with.

        It would be terribly sad.

        However, in the event something happened to his body (like if he really only had one leg like in my profile picture) I'd stick around. I'd work my arse off to support him, I'd take care of his needs, I'd focus on his quality of life. I'd just be there, doing what needs doing.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          I saw this last night too and wow, it is so heartbreaking yet inspiring at the same time. My boyfriend have been through a lot together and have known each other for a long time. There is no doubt I would stick with him, though it would require some amazing strength and willpower. But, I love my boyfriend so much that I can't imagine anything happening like that that would make me want to leave his side. That is really when he would need me most of all, and through it all, our love would only grow.


            Originally posted by Zephii View Post
            I'm going to sound like a cold bitch, but here goes... at this point in our lives at least if something like that were to happen to Obi I'd help his family as much as I could until I raised the money I needed to fly home, and then I would do so. I think I'd always stay in touch, I'd always care, I'd always love who he had been and his family, but I would try and move on.

            I fell in love with Obi for his mind. Not his looks, not for financial security, not for his genetics, not because I wanted to live in Canada. I fell in love with his intelligence, his wit, his humour... if something were to happen to his mind, the person I love wouldn't be there anymore. I would try to move on, find someone else to be happy with, have children with and have a future with.

            It would be terribly sad.

            However, in the event something happened to his body (like if he really only had one leg like in my profile picture) I'd stick around. I'd work my arse off to support him, I'd take care of his needs, I'd focus on his quality of life. I'd just be there, doing what needs doing.
            I appreciate this extremely honest answer, and I don't think it's cold at all. If you asked me honestly and deep down, this would be the answer I would give.


              Wow..I think thats a really tough question...
              Thats something of the worst thing what could happen and people who are involved have to make decision very quickly because they do not have time to think. And most of the time they are not able to think clear due to the shock or stress they are going through.

              If I would be in his situation ( god bless me ) I would stay with my SO, of course.
              Because you have shared so many experience at this time and you went through ups and downs together, you dont want to let the person down you love so deeply.

              Yes...that is my opinion at the moment. I cant say more now, Im a bit overwhelmed with this sorry.


                I would surely take care of him....
                Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast; is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

                ~*~Love never fails~*~ 1 Corinthians 13


                  My love for my SO wouldn't ever fade. My SO has Leukemia atm, I've never thought about leaving him behind, even when things got rough. Even when he went on the breathing machine. So if he somehow ended up like Chris's fiance, I would love him no less..

                  This is THAT guy btw.

                  Chris Medina<33


                    I promised to be there for Brianna through everything life throws at us. When she said yes to be my girlfriend, it fused our problems together. I couldn't just up and leave when she needed me the most in her entire life. I'd stick right by her side, probably more so than I did before. I think she'd do the same for me<3


                      i would definitive stay with him, no matter what, its kinda sad cos he once told me that if he ever gets hurted really bad while in service he would push me away kos all he wants its my happiness , i kinda cry n told him not to tell me that ever again, cos he wouldn't like me to do the same, he admitted, he wont leave me for nothing, i actually have an ED since i was 16 (eating disorder) n some times it gets really frustrating, but even in distance he's being there for me to support me emotionally n mentally .


                        My SO and I discussed about this yesterday. We both say that if something were to happy to either one of us, that we will stick with each other and take care of each other. From her side, it would be difficult to gain VISA to the United States but I am sure she would do everything she could. She says that she would worry sick and it would even be worse that she can't take care of me. I would fly back to Vietnam to be with her in a heart beat, no matter what my family may think or say. My SO raise an interesting questions, she asks what if she can't make it. What would I do? Frankly, I don't know if I can live without her but I have to take care of my mom and to contribute to society. I will be very sad without her and life wouldn't be right again. I don't think I can love anyone else but just live to do the things that she wanted to do but wasn't able to do. That was also her answers, she couldn't give me a definite answers if she would fall in love with someone else or not because she says she doesn't know what the future holds. But she would be very sad and would live to do the things that I didn't do. What would you do if your SO are no longer with you?
                        Jessica loves Hoa
                        Connection Case Manager
                        Pre-med Student
                        Public Relation, Vietnam Health Clinic


                          I'd stick by him. If one of us were SEVERELY mentally disabled, we both discussed this once, that once all hope of recovery was gone... we'd eventually move on emotionally (probably) but we'd always be there for eachother. If he turned into a drooling giggling near-vegetable, perhaps one day I might find another person, but I'd still be there for him for life. He's more important as a person as a friend to me than a boyfriend - my emotions for him are much deeper than just being "in love" if ya know what I mean. He's family now. and you wouldn't ever leave a family member if that happened to them.


                            It's such a difficult situation, and it doesn't have an easy answer. To be honest, if he became permanently brain damaged, with no hope of recovery, I couldn't stay. Especially not at this point in my life. He would need so much support, and it would be three years before I would be able to go out there, and it just wouldn't be him anymore. I think a part of me would always love him, and I certainly wouldn't cut him out of my life completely. I'm pretty sure for the rest of my life I'd still want to see him from time to time and help out however I could. But eventually I would find someone else to be in a relationship with. I've worked with people who have disabilities like that, and a relationship just isn't possible, I need more than that.

                            If it happened to me, I'd want him to do the same thing as I would. I think what the guy on American Idol is doing is noble, but it is so difficult to take care of someone like that, and like I said it's not a relationship anymore. I wouldn't want to be tied down by me forever in a situation like that.

                            "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                            -- Anonymous


                              Wow, I don't even want to think about something like that happening to my girlfriend. Of course I would take care of her. I would never leave her side.


                                I would be on the first flight back to San Diego or packing my stuff hopping in my truck and driving back down there to be with my baby.

