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Which would you rather?

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    Which would you rather?

    If some evil sorcerer came to you and said you have to choose between never speaking (includes writing/txting etc) to your SO again or never being able to touch them which would you choose and why?

    I think that I would have to give up talking to him, I couldn't imagine not kissing him and I think you can say a lot by your actions.

    Haha, I guess I also give up speaking, but also the problem is this takes into account that these are LDRS we are talking about, so speaking if kind of necessary?...@_@

    If this could be changed into CD at the price of speaking to him, I'll do that. There are still reassuring touches, gestures, etc, hehe to communicate off of.


      I would say get rid of the physical stuff. I rather have a mental connection.


        Originally posted by samglam209 View Post
        I would say get rid of the physical stuff. I rather have a mental connection.
        Yeah, I'm with you. My SO and I have excellent conversations and I would never want to give that up.


          half of my interaction in person is looks and touches which Alex is still learning to interpret. Though he did understand the "I want to be with you alone, can your friends go home now?" look lol ^^; but I only had to give him that one once. I am much more expressive through written word than spoken and, provided Alex would still be cool with reading my walls of text, I'd give up speaking.


            I think I'd have to give up speaking to him I mean I love the conversations we have together but I just adore the way he holds me and makes me feel safe, I don't think I could ever give that up

            Met: 8.17.09
            Started Dating: 8.20.09
            First Met: 10.2.10
            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14




                I would give up touching him. Me and my SO have the most random and amusing conversations. I love every chance we get to talk


                  I'd give up speaking and learn sign language!

                  Is that cheating?


                    I would roundhouse kick the sorcerer, tie him up with my whip (which I had just in case the kick did not incapacitate him) and then sell him to some scientists to extract his powers to give to me and then be more powerful than the sorceror. just as a "fuck you" statement to being a dickhead sorceror!


                      As long as I'd have to only give up speaking or writing to my SO, I think I could give that up. Being a novelist, if I had to give up writing altogether lol I couldn't do it or I'd be out of a job lol. I rely more on body language and facial expression to get my point across and try to understand others. And there's no way I'd want to give up having his arms around me.


                        Originally posted by becca53088 View Post
                        Yeah, I'm with you. My SO and I have excellent conversations and I would never want to give that up.
                        Exactly. My boyfriend and I started dating when we were 14,our relationship is built on talking and not physical stuff. It surprises me how many of the people on here said they rather give up talking. Although I can understand some of them have had to go a long time without sex and it does suck but still thats my choice and theres still cyber sex.haha.

