I LOVE jewelry. It doesn't have to be expensive I just really love to wear necklaces, rings, and bracelets as much as I can. My SO has never really given me any jewelry with the exception of a beautiful necklace he and his family made me that I wear everyday. So last night I was online "window shopping" for jewelry that I could never really afford while I was talking to my SO. He started complaining about how he doesn't know anything about my taste in jewelry and I told him that it didn't really matter if he knew or not I don't expect him to buy me jewelry at all (he is in a tight financial situation right now). He got weirdly defensive about why he needs that information and generally just started to say worrisome (to me) things about the importance of him knowing what I like in rings specifically. So now I am thrown into shock and worry because WOAH hey. . . we made a rule that we cannot and I will not get engaged until at LEAST my senior year of college if not when I'm in grad school. But that isn't the point of this post. The point is to ask these questions:
What's your ideal engagement ring like?
Would you ever tell your SO that or would you ever casually drop hints or tell a friend to help him pick one out?
What's your ideal engagement ring like?
Would you ever tell your SO that or would you ever casually drop hints or tell a friend to help him pick one out?