I had set up a time to call my SO last night.he said he'd be there to get the call. He wasn't he was down the street playing cards. I was so upset. I had made the effort to arrange a time with him and call.. and he jsut blew me off. so i called today and he was so cold to me.. Didn't say sorry jsut said "I tried" like that was a good enough response. When i said " If your going to stay quiet I'll just go" and he said "fine, bye" and hung up. there was no I love you, nothing... I waited a while then called back and asked him what was wrong. he said he's havign a bad morning and was busy so he can't talk but he can tonight. He sounded a little softer this time.. A kind of soft that kinda worries me especially when it a few seconds later he said a quiet strangled sounding sorry. I was just starting to cry so i said okay... and he said bye. I couldn't even get bye out without sobbing so i just hung up.
He's never been so cold to me... It makes me wonder why he wouldn't say anything.. my past experiance set bells off in my head about another girl being there... I plan to call him tonight and tell him I want to have a few days without communication and I'll call him again on wednsday night.
I really don't like this. It feels like i might end up joining the rest of the people breaking up soon...
He's never been so cold to me... It makes me wonder why he wouldn't say anything.. my past experiance set bells off in my head about another girl being there... I plan to call him tonight and tell him I want to have a few days without communication and I'll call him again on wednsday night.
I really don't like this. It feels like i might end up joining the rest of the people breaking up soon...