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I broke up with him.

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    I broke up with him.

    For those of you who didn't read my last thread, I decided to take a several-week break with my SO, since I wasn't sure if things were really working out. The break really helped me to realize that I was happier without the relationship. It had gotten to the point where it wasn't healthy for either of us. He took the breakup pretty well, but I'm still a bit worried about him.

    I know that a lot of people frown upon taking a break in a relationship, but I think it really, really helped me view our relationship from a better perspective and realize things weren't working out. I would definitely suggest it to someone who is unsure whether or not to end their relationship. Because you can really see whether or not you'd be happier without them.

    Even though my LDR is over, you'll still see me on the forums! I love you guys here and I also think I can help contribute to the forums, considering I was in an LDR for almost 2 years. Thank you everyone, for all the help and support you've given me throughout my relationship.

    I'm sorry
    All of these break ups are making me sad.


      Sorry to hear you broke up, but I'm glad you made the right decision. Also happy that you'll stick around!!


        I'm sorry to hear about your break up. *hugs*


          *hugs* Sounds like you did what was healthiest for both of you and sometimes we need a break to realize those things.

          Glad you're staying around


            I am sorry to hear about your break up also, but it seems you made the right desicion.


              Luna_Banana welcome to my world! Sorry to hear it's over. I hope you are ok.


                sorry to hear this.. i hope this is the best for both of you! *hugs*


                  You sound like you made the best decision for YOU and I commend you for that. To be able to know what is healthiest for ourselves is a HUGE thing.

                  I am sorry for your breakup though and any pain that you may be going through. Glad you are sticking around tho!
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    Sorry to hear things didn't work out :/ But it's a good thing you decided to take a break and figured out what was the right thing to do.

                    Take care *hugs*


                      I remember your post - it sounded like you needed the space to think by yourself, and I'm glad you had that. Best of luck to you, and I'm glad you're sticking around. *hugs*

                      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

